May 19, 2013

Day 17- Mmmm Blood...

Todd called me after a long day at the 4H pet fair. He complained that it had been a long, boring day for him. I chuckled. Not much sympathy here for long, boring days. I think Saturdays at the hospitals are the hardest. Sunday's are fun because my whole family comes to visit.

When I realized I only have 19 days till my surgery I decided I needed to get serious about the photo books I need to get done. I'm trying to figure out my new laptop, trying to decide what company to use, trying to edit my pictures and trying to decide if I want a family book, individual books per kid, or if I want to print my blog with my pictures. I decided to stop thinking about it and just do something.

I got a good first draft of 2006 (my first digital year). I'm going to tweak things today and try to do a year every two days. We'll see...

My chain is down to 19 rings-- that still sounds like a lot, but it no longer reaches across my window. Progress.

Last night, Todd called from the movies. He took his dad with him on a group date with all our friends. I felt sad for a minute than decided it would be movie night in room 28. We (I mean I) watched A Cinderella story and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. I left the door to my room open and laughed as the nurses tried to stop visiting kids from racing up and down the hallway in wheelchairs.

I can't tell you the last time I have ever watched a movie by myself. Instead of feeling sad, I was soo grateful for the family I have. My Saturdays are usually full and fun without any effort at all.

I had to snap a picture of my morning central line blood draw and flush. If I were a druggie this would be quite a cocktail for breakfast.

Around lunchtime they decided to transfuse me two units of blood-- using my central line, which is just about in my armpit. Yummy.

For dinner-- they requested a urine sample.

Boy-- what a day!
Hope you enjoyed your Saturday!!

Ugh.  I'm trying to fit 8 kids on this row... hope it doesn't look too crowded around the tree.
(The little boy under the tree is the baby I'm pregnant with.
I chose to give him light brown hair and blue eyes- we'll see!)

1 comment:

  1. That cross stitch is AMAZING!! Can't wait to see the finished product!!


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