May 20, 2013

Day 18- 18 to go!!

I've officially reached the halfway mark.

Everyone came to visit today! It is so fun when my room is full. My MIL packed a picnic dinner that we ate down in the hospital. I wish I had a picture of that.

One of my favorite things about being in the hospital is having my boys bring me the sacrament. We always sing together before Todd blesses the bread- it is a holy moment with my family.

Ellie spent the night last night. We watched 17 Miracles, A Cinderella Story, and the beginning of While You Were Sleeping. Ellie is so fun to hang out with. She's working on her cross-stitch. Love that sweet girl! Love these moments with my kids...

I finished 2006 and almost 2005.
I'm halfway to D-day! Better get to work!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Don't know if you remember me but we were in the same book group in Lubbock briefly and I came across your blog recently. I've been uplifted by reading about your hope and optimism in the face of this huge challenge. Praying for you and your family!


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