June 04, 2013

Birthdays and Fish Heads

Hah!  I bet you weren't counting on the Professor to hijack Jen's blog today.  Yet since Jen was in the hospital when we celebrated Drew's birthday last week, I thought I should post a few pics for her and for you.  This is not one of those 3:30 am blogs from Jen that we all love to read (I keep those in my journal to her), but it is nonetheless rare and noteworthy in its own right.

The boys and I went camping for our annual father-son campout, and we also did a little early morning fishing at a local pond nearby that had just been stocked with some beautiful rainbow trout. I forgot to bring my camera, so I can't show you the pictures of a smiling Jakob holding a 20-incher, or of the bald eagle that was perched nearby, waiting to grab a fish off someone's hook as it was reeled in.  But Drew insisted that I record the only evidence of the day--a fantastic shot of the fish heads.

So, Drew had apple dapple cake and trout with homemade mac and cheese for his birthday.  For him, nothing could be better!


  1. Lovely pictures! Thanks for posting!! It was hard missing drew's birthday, but I'm glad I missed the smell. Love you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well, maybe we weren't "counting" on your post, Professor... but we always hold out hope! :-)

  4. Way to go , Todd! Camping, fishing, and posting!


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