June 05, 2013

Day 36- tomorrow!

I woke up singing Annie-- "My son'll come out, tomorrow!!"

After writing all my thoughts out yesterday, I felt cheery and bright.  I couldn't help but wonder if the process of thinking and writing down my concerns actually changed me?  Or, if I should have just waited a few hours and written a more positive blog?
Either way-- thank you AGAIN for all your hopeful, inspiring comments.  

Yesterday was a good day.  The two kids I had were miles easier than the three I'd had the night before.  Friends came to visit and my aunt ate dinner with me.  Nurses keep coming in to wish me luck and tell me they'll be thinking of us on Thursday.  Doctors are excited and hopeful.  I am AMAZED at their current optimism about my surgery- considering the months of ominous warnings I'd received.  

Today, I think I'm in business mode...
I was transfused yesterday and my cheeks are rosy.
I'm meeting with anesthesia, packing up some of my room, finishing my sampler (not...), catching up on thank you cards, and preparing for surgery.
I have to wash a few times with heavy antiseptic wipes and fast over night.
Todd's coming to spend the night with me... Should be fun!

I'm having a baby!! Today is the last day I will get to hold a baby in my womb.  What a gift pregnancy has been!  I will miss this!  I am humbled and grateful for the months I was given to sit, learn, and be still.

I'm not excited for the hard parts of tomorrow- but I'm excited that the day is finally here.  I'm ready to do this.  I just think- by tomorrow night my surgery will be over and I will be starting my path to recovery and learning to mother eight.  Hard things will last for a time-- but they will pass and I will be left with enduring goodness.

Todd gave me a sweet blessing the other day and he said, "The moment you hold your son in your arms and look into his eyes, all your sacrifice will melt away and you will know everything was worth it".  

I can't wait to meet this miracle baby.  I already know him and I already feel grateful for the opportunity to carry him in my womb for the past seven months.  Being a mother is one of life's greatest gifts.  I am humbled and grateful at all the Lord has blessed me with.

I feel confidant heading into the future!  Tomorrow is going to be my own personal D-day.  I'm heading into Normandy and we are going to be victorious!

Having a baby is one of my favorite things to do!!

Tomorrow!  Tomorrow!  I love ya, tomorrow!!  You're only a DAY aaaa-waaaayyyyy!

See you on the other side friends!!
(Just wait till you see what cute babies Todd and I make.)
Life is good!

**note-- I just opened up my comments to allow anonymous comments, so if you have been unable to comment before, try again!!  It might work!**


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. warm fuzzies and tears as I read the words of that blessing from Todd.
    I am SO excited to see and meet this little boy.
    I am SO anxious to hear that one of my dearest sisters, and the son of her strength, are both doing well.
    Love you both.

  3. Thinking of you...can't wait to meet your little guy!
    We will keep you and Todd and the kiddos in our prayers!

  4. I'm praying for you guys!!! Just hoping someone will be blogging for you tomorrow!! I want to know that you and baby boy are all doing okay! ;)

  5. Wooooooooo! Woo! Woooo!

    So excited to see that precious baby boy! You got this, Jen! Sure love you all!

    Sending over love and prayers and hugs and kisses to you, your family, and those awesome doctors!



  6. YEA! He's going to be perfect! Good luck!

  7. You will be in my thoughts and prayers! I can't wait to see pictures of you new little one!

  8. So happy that you made it to this point! I told my husband that your surgery was this week and he was teasing me because I don't actually know you :) But I can pray for a stranger too! (And weirdly, you don't really feel like a stranger) I hope tomorrow is a wonderful day for your family and the start of a quick recovery for you. Best wishes!

  9. I'm in tears over the sweet blessing Todd gave you. When you think of eternity and the sacrifice you have made to give this little boy the body he will have forever it really is worth it!

    We are praying for you and baby, Todd and your other children, and all those doctors and nurses who will be attending you.

  10. Good luck, jenifer! I'll be praying for you like crazy. I can't wait to see your next post!

  11. Jen - I just really like you. You're awesome. I totally started getting all teary about Todd's blessing. So sweet. I do think writing things out helps. I need to do that more often. I hope you got my package of sunshine. Sorry it took me forever to get it to you. Hopefully you'll enjoy some of the cheer while you are recovering and enjoying new baby snuggles. You are such a great example to me of mothering and having a good perspective & attitude in the midst of hard things. You have definitely won a spiritual award for tying on your bonnet and being courageous. I pray for you every day. I hope tomorrow goes well. Have Todd post an update when he has a second so we won't be on pins and needles.

  12. You have been in our thoughts and prayers and will be tomorrow as well! Such a great day to get out of the way- we can't wait to see this new baby!

  13. Jen, you have been in my thoughts and prayers continually this week. That blessing Todd gave you describes exactly how I felt when I held Daniel after the months and months of anxiety and uncertainty. I had a blessing from a wonderful friend (and many from my husband as well) that I clung to throughout the last few months of my pregnancy. My baby is a gift and a treasure, just as your son is. On the hard days when I mourn the loss of my ability to have children, I cherish the hugs from him all the more.

    I'm praying that your surgery goes really well with no complications and that your recovery will be smooth. I'm praying for Heavenly Father to guide the hands of the doctors and nurses as well.

    I can't wait to see pictures of you and your sweet baby boy!

  14. Praying for you! Is there another spot updates will be posted for all of us non real life people? ;)

  15. Praying that things go smoothly. Can't wait to see your beautiful son . Of course, I hope your recovery is fast and your return home to the others is speedy too.

  16. I will be praying for you and thinking about you tomorrow. I am so glad you made it to the finish line so your little boy can be born healthy. Can't wait to see pictures and hear the good news of "all is well".

  17. Jen,

    Like many others before me who have left a comment, I too, have been following your blog for some time. I adore the honesty of your posts, and wish you a healthy baby boy, and a speedy recovery for yourself. My thoughts will be with you tomorrow. I cannot wait to "hear" from you again.

  18. Happy to have found your blog and the inspiration I find here. Good luck. Prayers headed your way.

  19. I'm so excited for you tomorrow! To be on the other side, holding your little babe, squeezing your little children again without a belly ;) oh, life will be so very sweet. You know our thoughts and prayers are with you! I know the many prayers on your behalf will fill that surgery room with the spirit and lift those doctors to new levels! We are all here for you during your recovery! Don't worry about anything but getting better! Love you Jen!

  20. I'm so excited for you tomorrow! To be on the other side, holding your little babe, squeezing your little children again without a belly ;) oh, life will be so very sweet. You know our thoughts and prayers are with you! I know the many prayers on your behalf will fill that surgery room with the spirit and lift those doctors to new levels! We are all here for you during your recovery! Don't worry about anything but getting better! Love you Jen!

  21. I love reading your blog! Thank you for sharing yourself here and for your honesty and optimism. I am amazed at how you find the good in each situation and really cherish where you are at. I loved what you wrote in the last blog about all the needs. I think lots of moms feel that way, I know I do! So excited for you to have your sweet little baby to snuggle! Praying for you!

  22. Way to go, Keep focused, I can't wait to hear about your beautiful baby and remarkable recovery. I have no doubt you will overcome all this. You have a wonderful attitude. Good luck tomorrow!

  23. I finally got a minute to check in to your blog -- it's been a few weeks. Timing was good, though, because I was able to see that tomorrow is the big day. My prayers will be with you as this next step of your journey commences. I think of you every time we have a new wee one make his/her appearance at my workplace. This time I'll be thinking of those blood bankers, L&D and NICU nurses as well as the other nurses and physicians who will be taking care of "the mommy". Can hardly wait to read and hear more. Bless you, Jen and Todd. I love you.

  24. Best of luck tomorrow! We are praying for you and your doctors. Things will go great and miracles will be witnessed :0). The first time you get to hold your baby is really one of the most sacred experiences God blesses us mommas with. I am so excited for you to have that moment tomorrow, it truly will be so sweet and sacred! May God bless you and your family and be close to you through every moment tomorrow. Thank you for all the thoughts and inspiration you share. You are a great example to me!

  25. I have been reading your blog for years. You are a huge inspiration to me.. I might have commented once or twice, but I want you to know how much I have loved your blog! I have been praying for you and will keep you, your family and the team of doctors in my prayers continuously tomorrow. I cannot wait to hear about your sweet baby boy.

  26. I've yet to read to catch up on the last two days, but I want you to know, headed into tomorrow, that you and your entire family are in my prayers. Your faith, your determination and conviction of finding good in (understatement) difficult circumstances, your testimony of family and this plan you are choosing to be a pivotal part of - it's all been strengthening and inspiring to me. I know that's not your intention. Your intention is to do your best. But your best is wonderful and I thank you for sharing it so freely with all of us. Much love!

  27. Jen! I will be praying for you the whole time. I've got faith in your doctors, in the Priesthood, in your faith, and in you. It will be amazing because you will come out the other side of this an even more amazing person. I'm not sure how that's possible, given how amazing you already are, but I'm pretty sure it'll happen. How could it not? Love and faith and prayers for you!!

  28. Jen, you may not remember me from the LDS large family group, but I have been following your blog for months and praying for you daily. Your name is on the roll of the San Antonio temple and we are praying for you, your little guy, your family, and your doctors that they may have steady hands and clear minds as they work to keep both of you safe and healthy. What a beautiful blessing your husband gave you! I am so excited to hear about your newest little blessing!

  29. We're fasting and praying for you, your family, your doctors, and your beautiful baby. Good luck!

  30. Good luck today Jen. You have lots of love and prayers coming from Michigan....


  31. Jenifer,
    You don't know me but I have been reading for several months now. You and your husband are an inspiration to many! You are an inspiration to many Moms and Grandmas. I have three children and two grandchildren. Your positive attitude and truthfulness on this blog is remarkable. I just wanted to say hi and thank you for sharing your heart and soul.

    Congratulations on climbing mountains and building pathways for your future. When I think of handling challenges well, I think of you now.

    Good luck! I hope someone will update your blog asap so silent readers, like me, will know you and the baby are okay.

    Many prayers are coming your way from many people and I know you are already grateful for all of them.

    Good luck Moss Family!

    Carry on because the sun will shine bright tomorrow!



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