June 21, 2013

enlisting prayers...

Hey Friends. Kaela here.
We're friends now right? I feel like after we've all been through this whole emotional, prayerful, miraculous experience together, I just consider you all my friends now.
So...I have another quick update on Jen. Good and bad news.

Good: Jen is still healing miraculously. She's still having a lot of ups and downs, but her pain levels are being managed much better now which is a huge blessing. Benjamin has been officially released from the NICU and get's to stay in Todd and Jen's room! She's back in the mother/baby unit that she did her bed-rest in. So she has all the nurses that she knows and loves. They know and love her too....it's like being back with friends. We can't say enough about all the nurses, surgeons, doctors, etc, etc, etc who have worked with Jen. They are our hero's.

Bad: A few days ago they found an infection in Jen's wound. They still haven't been able to close her up all the way due to the swelling, so they were trying to keep her incision (which is very large) clean and taped off to keep it sanitized. They try to inspect and clean it every few days, which is a really painful process. Anyways, long story short, they found an infection which is pretty concerning. Jen specifically asked me to ask for your prayers. We are praying that the infection is handled quickly, and that her wound heals properly. Please join us if you can.

Hopefully Jen is back and ready to write soon! Again thank you for all your love and prayers, it is so sooo so appreciated!



  1. Kaela-
    Of course we are friends now! ;-) Seriously, thank you so much for your updates--we are all so hungry for them, so we love that you provide such a sweet service for us!
    Many prayers on Jen's behalf!
    Love, Tiffany

  2. Praying for peace and wisdom from our Healer.

  3. Our prayers for her and her family continue to be ongoing! We are praying for a full and speedy recovery!! {{{HUGS}}}

    P.S. Thanks for the update!

  4. jen has many fans who are rooting for her! we need her to get better so she can help us be better mothers and wives! GO JEN!

  5. We are praying for you Jen!! And we are thrilled to hear that Ben is doing so great, he is adorable.

  6. We've been keeping you in our prayers. Two steps forward, one step back.

  7. Praying... ❤

    Thank you, Kaela, for your update on our Jen. She is such an amazing woman... Continued prayers for a complete and speedy recovery so she can get back home to the rest of her family as soon as possible! I can't even imagine how much those precious little souls must miss their momma!

  8. Praying for complete healing! Thank u for the update! :)

  9. We haven't stopped praying for Jen! It's nice to know what to be specific about. Glad little Ben has done so well!

  10. Thank you, kaela, for the update. I've been worried the last few days about her and now I know why. Praying for her.

  11. Thanks for the update, we will continue to pray!

  12. still praying & praying. wish i could do more.

  13. I was just thinking this afternoon that I hadn't seen an update for a bit, so I really appreciate you posting, Kaela. My heart has been consumed with prayer for her recovery and Ben's continued improvement - since the moment he was born! I have felt such a connection with Jen, although I wouldn't no why especially, my children are long grown. I have felt in my heart that she is a good, good mother and I know that her children need her! May God bless you both with good health and continued recovery.

  14. Prayers for you in Idaho. Jen has touched my heart too.

  15. Continued prayers for Jen and family. Your name is on the prayer roll again. God bless you.


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