June 19, 2013

Mother/Baby unit

I spent over 40 days in the mother/baby unit on bed rest.
was in trauma ICU for 6 days before they transferred me to General Surgery on June 12.
After 7 days here on the general surgery.  floor, I think, hope, and honestly, I am kind of scared that they might transfer meback to the mother/baby unit. Aside from going home, there is no place id rather be.

This afternoon, Baby Benjamin will be discharged into Todd's care.  For the first time, he will come and sleep with us in our room.  

Physical and occupational therapists have ordered me a hospital bed and walker.   They help me practice getting in and out of bed and cheer me on as I take my first steps.

Literally, taking one step is pretty difficult.
They are all amazed at my recovery.  I am
amazed at how difficult the process is.  Not that I'm complaining-- It is a good process. 

Todd showed me a picture of what i looked like when he saw me in the ICU immediately following surgery.
It was hard to see- I cried for him, that he had to see it.


  1. A gorgeous gorgeous baby! What a little bundle of joy and happiness! I'm so happy he's doing so well! Keep healing, Jen! Many prayers and angels still surround you, cheering and helping you along. You're awesome! You're whole family is!

  2. I just love how his eyes are so intensely shining in every picture. You have so much to process - day by day things will start gently fitting back into place, one step at a time. Love you!!

  3. I am just tickled that your preemie has been released! I know the idea of him being a preemie was such a concern for you...and look at him! On room air. No feeding tube. And released! Truly amazing! I hope he can stay as close to you as possible...so his amazing strength can be part of your strength too! He is one amazing little guy!

  4. What a darling little baby! You constantly amaze me with your strength & positive outlook. I am glad that you are healing & that you get to have Ben with you. Thank you for your example!

  5. I am so excited for you that you are recovering and that you can have baby Benjamin (cutest baby ever) with you as you continue to push through! Many prayers of continued healing and peace for your beautiful family!

  6. How wonderful on the baby being able to stay with you! Will he be able to remain with you until you are released? I hope so!

    They ordered the hospital bed for your house for when you go home? You might want to have one your helpers go online and order some hospital bed-size sheets on ebay or other place for you--the standard twin size ones pop off over and over. On the plus side, you can often pick up a hospital bed table on craigslist very cheap--we got my dad's table there. (He also recommends some sort of mattress pad--the rental beds have a very plastic-y mattress).

  7. My thoughts and prayers have been with you and your family for several months. I, too, know the healing power and love that comes from our Heavenly Father. That sweet, warm feeling that envelops our being, is a sure sign of our Father's love. May you feel it often.

  8. Baby Benjamin is so perfectly beautiful! How awesome that he is doing so well!!

  9. So many prayers answered... God is so good! ❤

  10. He is do beautiful. Congrats on this step in both of your healing processes- that much closer to youfamily being in one place!

  11. Oh Jen,
    Thank you for your updates. It's a great reminder that your healing is on going and we still need to pray for your continued recovery. Your baby Benjamin is gorgeous. Your husband is amazing. Your family is blessed. God bless you all !!!

  12. Oh Jen,
    Thank you for your updates. It's a great reminder that your healing is on going and we still need to pray for your continued recovery. Your baby Benjamin is gorgeous. Your husband is amazing. Your family is blessed. God bless you all !!!

  13. Oh Jen,
    Thank you for your updates. It's a great reminder that your healing is on going and we still need to pray for your continued recovery. Your baby Benjamin is gorgeous. Your husband is amazing. Your family is blessed. God bless you all !!!

  14. Jen,
    Ben looks like a wise soul in a tiny body. He is beautiful. Congratulations. You are amazing.


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