June 10, 2013

June 10

1:50 pm

Hooray!  Look who got out of bed today! She is smiling for the first time in a while. Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, and uplifting comments.  I know that Jen will have plenty to write about when she is able.


  1. It totally made my day to see you up and out of bed!! I'm continuing to keep you in my prayers for a smooth recovery. I hope you get to hold sweet Benjamin again today.

  2. Wahoo!!! Jen, you keep improving by leaps and bounds overcoming so much!!! I am happy to see a smile today after such a hard day yesterday. Your family is so blessed to have such a fighter for a mom. Keep going!!

  3. You don't know me, but when our friend Montserrat asked for prayers for you, our family jumped on board! As a Labor and Delivery nurse and high risk OB nurse, I am amazed at your story. You are a walking miracle! Hang in there girl and keep getting stronger everyday.

  4. Hi Jen,
    YOU LOOK FASTASTIC !!! So glad to see you upright. Keep up the great work. You continue to inspire me. Hugs to you !

  5. Yay! Just yay! I am so happy for you! That is a huge, huge hurdle.

  6. I've only had a couple of comparatively minor surgeries in my life and I was such a baby each time!!! I HATED getting up, I HATED walking, blah, blah, blah...I just wanted to sleep and lay still and let my systems figure themselves out without effort on my part. You are a super brave mom, Jenifer, and you have given me new insights on life and courage and motherhood! Thank you for that, and THANK YOU for fighting so hard, because we all need you, especially your beautiful family! (Got your name re-listed in Denver, plus Ben and Todd)
    Loves and prayers always! -Mary

  7. We'll just start calling you Wonder Woman :)

  8. YEAH!!!
    "One step eno-ugh for me-e"

  9. I'm also a stranger, but you have been in my prayers. I appreciate your faith and your willingness to share this story and your life.

  10. Thank you for the updates! Jenifer- You are so inspiring. Baby Ben is so adorable and I'm so glad that he is doing well. I hope you will continue to see miracles during your recovery. It is wonderful to see you smiling! Best wishes and many prayers!

  11. I anticipate your updates daily. Heavenly Father is truly watching over you. Keep up the good work you are doing amazing. Thank you for being a true example of the undying love of a mother. I hope you mend quickly so you can give some love to all your babies.
    Keeping you in my prayers- Marj

  12. Way to go, Jen. I believe in a God of miracles. That Ben is so blessed to be born into your family.

  13. Oh Jen, SO excited to see this! You made it out of bed today and are one step closer to recovering! :)

  14. Sunday, before and during church, it was so fun watching your family. Your girls looked so happy, while holding Grandma's hand while finding a place to sit before the meeting. Your son, respectfully standing so straight and tall while passing the sacrament.

    You have so many thinking and praying for you. We love you and know you can do this!

    Charlene Hendricks

  15. You are working so hard doing your best to heal, and just as he has promised, Heavenly Father is making up the difference. Miracles are awesome!

  16. Bless her dearly! May the road to recovery continue to be a great one for Jen and her entire family.
    Go Jen Go!!! Thank you God for everything :)

  17. Just want you to know what an inspiration you are to me. I find myself thinking of you and feeling greater desires to walk closer to Christ. I've read many of your blog posts over the past few weeks of finding your blog. You are able to express your feelings and emotions in mothering, in being a wife and all the challenges of life. Thank you for sharing. When I read these I feel strengthened and understood and uplifted. Sanctified.

    You are in my prayers. I'm so happy that you are still here...
    Heavenly Father has truly sent you angels. I wish I could be one of those angels, just to bring you comfort.

    Thank you Jenifer. Keep fighting. It will get better. Your baby Benjamin is beautiful.


  18. I'm so happy you're up and doing well. Every couple of days I get a panic attack because I haven't checked your blog in a couple of days. Then I catch up and breathe a sigh of relief. So good to hear you're doing better and that our prayers are working! Keep up the good work super-girl. You rock!


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