June 09, 2013

Kaela's Update- June 9

Kaela here again! Here's the update as of Sunday evening:

Jen was extremely happy yesterday after surgery. We have video's of her saying, "It's a good day to breathe!" And asking for some 7-up. I wasn't there, but the picture of her holding Benjamin for the first time brought happy tears to my eyes. They are truly a miracle!

She was anxious to get off her respirator, so she could talk to her kids as soon as possible. We were told it would probably be 2 days before she could breathe well enough on her own, but once again, our prayers were heard and she was able to get off it in record time. A respiratory therapist stopped the machine to see if her lungs could handle it...they monitored her oxygen levels and a couple other factors and needed her overall score to be anywhere under 105 to be able to remove the respirator completely. Her score was 14...yet another miracle!

We were given another detail about her first surgery on Thursday. The doctors had previously inserted balloons into her main arteries from her uterus down to her legs on each side. The balloons were a precautionary measure to help her from bleeding out during the surgery. Unfortunately her hemorrhaging was so severe that the balloons couldn't handle it and the doctors were forced to completely cut and cauterize those main arteries in her groin/legs. This means that her body will need to create new paths to get blood flow to her legs/feet. They are monitoring her pulse and blood flow in her legs and feet closely. So far, she has one cold foot and one warm foot, but doctors are optimistic that her body will continue to compensate. This was a reminder that Jen has a long road of recovery and healing ahead of her. She has said over and over these past few days how grateful she is for her body, and that she can feel her body working hard to heal. Prayers in this area would help!

Another big concern is infection. Even when Jen was out of surgery from Thursday night to Saturday morning, her body was still open and exposed. When they finished surgery on Saturday, her body was still too swollen to close up all the way. So, they will still need to finish closing things up. But since then, they have taken 5 of the 7 lines that were used for getting blood into her body (including the jugular line that was the size of a hose). So that made Jen a lot more comfortable and assured her that the fear of bleeding out again is minimal.

This afternoon (sunday) she hit her first big rough patch. Our poor girl has been pretty miserable. She got very very nauseous and the nausea medicine was not helping. Doctors were able to see that her intestines hadn't started working yet so all the fluids and gasses that had accumulated in her stomach were making her sick. They were able to insert a tube through her nose to her stomach to remove it, which eventually helped her nausea, but the doctors are concerned about her intestines and other organs. Until they can function properly, she has to keep the tube to her stomach, and is only allowed to eat ice chips. Jen has asked specifically for our prayers on this matter.

Also, doctors found a couple blood clots forming in her groin. Since blood thinners are out of the question, doctors are going to surgically put filters in to catch any loose clots. She is being prepped for this as we speak. This procedure isn't life-threatening, but the clots are, so we are grateful that the doctors are doing this sooner rather than later, leaving her with less of a risk. The procedure will take about 2 hours.

Again, we are so grateful for the amazing doctors and nurses who have saved Jen's life. They are her angels, and we love them deeply.

Jen wanted me to tell you all how grateful she is for your love, prayers, and concern. She has mentioned multiple times that she feels your love and prayers, and she is so grateful. We, as her family, are so touched by the many people who love our Jen. How grateful we are for your love. We have seen amazing miracles this past week, and we are grateful for your contributing prayers and thoughts to make that happen. Tonight, when Jen was really hurting, Todd sat down and read her your sweet notes and comments. It really helped her calm down and distract her. We are so grateful for you all! Please feel free to write her notes of love and encouragement below in the comments, and we will be sure she hears them!

So, as of tonight, our main goal is to help Jen be more comfortable. She has had a really hard day and it is hard to see her so miserable. Benjamin is still doing well! He is truly a miracle baby! Again, thank you all for your love and prayers. Miracles have happened this week, and we are so happy to have our Jen. Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she begins this long road to recovery!


  1. Oh Jen! What you'll do for attention! You know I'm kidding, but I wish I could put at least a little smile on your face.

    You are simply an amazing woman. You have always been a wonderful example for me. I hope someday to meet your awesome husband and children. You have such a beautiful family.

    You are in all my prayers...and I seem to be praying more often lately! I think at first Heavenly Father was saying to me, "Who are you again?"

    Here's another reason why you need to get better (and my apologies to your family for this): you're a much more entertaining blog writer than they are! Your public DEMANDS your recovery!

    Know that we love you!

    Jeff and the rest of the Zealley Zoo

  2. Jen - you probably won't remember me, I was one of the many admirers of your cute family in Lubbock, Texas a couple years ago. I now live just outside of DC and I came across your blog today for the first time. After spending nearly 4 hours today reading blog after blog of yours, I feel like I know you more than I do! I do not blog or read many blogs regularly, but I am officially a fan and a cheerleader of yours. I am in awe of your strength as a mother, your confidence in your role in this life and your wisdom that you so eloquently share with others. Your sweet baby (and your other children) are so lucky to have you as their mother. I wish you all the best in your recovery. I will be checking in on you regularly and praying for you and your family. If the 4 hours that I spent reading your blog and gleaning wisdom from your posts on parenting, obedience, teaching, and love are any indication, I'd say your work is not done. You have so much wisdom to share and such a special perspective. Even though we don't know each other, I wanted to leave this comment so you can hopefully gain strength in knowing there are people you don't even know who are inspired by your life and genuinely interested in and praying for your recovery. What a powerful blessing. Sending healing thoughts and positive affirmations your way from across the country.

    With faith,


  3. Jen-
    So I guess you are ending up with just a few more than "five hard things"! :-) (Um, that's supposed to be mildly funny. You know, just in case they accidentally surgically removed your sense of humor or something while they were in there, and you now need to be told when to smile.) Your Benjamin is BEAUTIFUL, and I love not only all of the sacrifices that you made just to get him here safely, but also that you knew that his birth wouldn't end your difficulties. I have commented to others (so I guess I should tell you! are your ears burning? no, no... not your legs, your ears?! :-)) that it amazes me that by sharing your experience, and because of your perspective and deliberate CHOICES of how to view everything, you have managed to not only sanctify this trial for yourself, but allow the rest of us (readers!) to be sanctified by it, as well. Thank you for helping me reflect on the goodness of God, the power of the Atonement, and for the abundance of blessings. I've said it so many times that it may sound trite, but truly, Jen, you inspire and lift me. And so many others! Thank you for being so you! Many prayers for your ongoing recovery!
    Love, Tif
    P.S. Todd, you're a rock star, too! :-)

  4. Jen! Hang in there mama, your doin great, praying hard for you. I'v been looking for updates throughout the last few days, stay strong, your on your road to recovery, thank god for talented doctors, right?? Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
    -lindsey the hair stylist :)

  5. Jen, you and Todd have always been such an example of faith and strength and on very many occasions my family has been blessed by the wisdom you shared while you lived in Lubbock and here on your blog. We pray that your body will respond well to the doctors' efforts so that you can be back with your sweet new baby and the rest of your family.

  6. Your strength and will to endure are inspiring! You are definitely one of the most elect ladies I know - you have sacrificed so much for your family. You encourage us all to be better people and to be more Christlike. I know the Lord is blessing you. He is right there by your side, holding your hand and guiding your life. His angels are ministering to you on both sides of the veil and helping your doctors give you the best care possible.

    There are many of us out here cheering for you and praying daily for you ... multiple times a day ... and we have never even met you. But you have touched our lives for the better.

    We are praying and hoping for a full and speedy recovery to come your way. Many tender mercies and miracles have already occurred on your behalf and I know the Lord will continue to bless you with many more.

    Your sweet Benjamin is handsome and darling. He seems to be doing so well! I love the picture of you getting to hold him.

    Rest up and heal well!


  7. The miracle of modern medicine and technology is amazing. But equally amazing is the human body, created by God, to heal itself.

    You will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers as you ride this rough road of recovery. I am trying to picture the cheerleaders who are cheering you on all over the world. Can you imagine? You are so loved!

    I pray you will be able to feel the Lord's sustaining hand as you rally through each hard thing. As An Ordinary Mom said there are angels ministering to you on both sides of the veil. You are known! We love you Jen! We love you Todd for your sacrifice as well.

  8. We are all praying for you and your whole family over here. I read your updates to our kids and they are remembering you and your children in their prayers. Thanks for sharing your difficult journey with all of us.

  9. Hi Jen,
    I'm one of Tiffany's friends who loves to read your blog. I've been thinking of you constantly and praying for you to heal quickly and be able to get back to being the fantastic mother that you are to your children. I have been so inspired by your determination & goodness.

    I love the pictures of your sweet Benjamin. Praying for you to heal quickly so you can enjoy snuggling him. You can do it Jen... you are amazing!!

  10. Ah. I'm so sorry for the discomfort and trouble you are going through now. You are one of my heros for the sacrifices you made/are making for your little boy. Oh how I pray that your recovery will be quick and complete!
    Love, Ana

  11. Still keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Your son is absolutely beautiful!!! Thank you for your continued inspiration! :)

  12. Our family is praying for you! While we didn't know your family very well (we met in the ward in Ypsi), we still feel the power of your journey and pray that God will allow you gain strength quickly so you can get back to mothering those beautiful children.

  13. Dear jen and family,

    I came upon your blog through a facebook friend of mine on my daughter, and your Benjamin's now shared birthday :) Happy birthday Benjamin!!

    You can do hard things. You can do easy things. You can do all things because of your faith in our Father in Heaven.

    I am one of many that is praying for your swift recovery. I pray for your body to able to heal itself quickly, your adorable family to be watched over while you are in the hospital, and for your newest little man to continue to grow and be strong.

    thank you for sharing your struggles, joys, and trials - what a wonderful blessing you are to so many.

    All the best,
    Katie - in bush Alaska

  14. This too shall pass...
    Hang in there, Jen. Your beautiful Benjamin is so proud of his amazing Mama. Still praying in Florida :)

  15. TIffany's friend...

    I went to bed praying and imagining that tons (as in TONS!) of angels are in Oregon right now...gathered around Ben's little bed, completely filling up your room (completely!), quite a few walking between the NICU and the ICU with Todd and all the rest are with your sweet kiddos at home. I am hoping for a better day for you today and many more better days this week! You are amazing!

  16. My prayers are with you. Lifting you up to God for his mercy in healing as quickly as possible. I also pray for your husband, sitting on the side lines watching you in battle unable to jump in and help. My husband has said this is the hardest part.... not being able to shoulder these types of complications. I pray for your children to have comfort with all the loving help surrounding them. And for baby Ben so grow strong quickly!

  17. Hang on there! You have a whole community praying from Lubbock! Sending love, healing thoughts, and healing prayers to you!

  18. This sounds like it is going to be a long hard road, but you are doing it! You are recovering! That is so awesome. The human spirit can't be conquered, I have a friend who had a brain tumor, she was told she would either die, be in a coma the rest of her life or be a quadriplegic, she told them she would run and she would ride her bike up the canyon and feel the sun on her back, and she has. She beat it. She is pretty much normal a year later. It was a long hard road, but she did it. She told me to tell you to stay focused. You will make it, it sounds to me like you are through the worst, it's going to be a lot of enduring though-- not fun, but you can do it! Not that you really have a choice, but in the end it will be but a small moment-- eternal perspective! And Ben is beautiful. You do make good babies, you were right! Hang in there! We are cheering for you here in Utah. More prayers and love your way!

  19. Jen,
    I've been a follower of your blog for quite a long time and feel as though I am part of your wonderful family. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. God is good!
    Many blessings to you, Todd, and the family...

  20. Every time I read your updates I can feel the spirit sooooo strong. If the spirit is coming through your blog with such power, I can only imagine how powerful it must be in your presence. Please know that you are surrounding by angels (both seen and unseen). I am so impressed by your strength and sacrifice for your family.

  21. There is always so much in my heart when I read these blogs. I am desperate for news about you.
    I cannot say all that I hope you know I am feeling.
    I love you, Jen.
    I talk to Heavenly Father a lot about you and the situation you are in. I know how much He loves you, and I can see how you are doing His work, even when you cannot speak.
    I want you whole as quickly as possible for your children, your husband, your friends and readers, and other family members, but I also, very selfishly, want you back for ME. :)

  22. Jen--we are praying like crazy for your miracles to continue. Your patience and strength take my breath away. Wow! You and your family are so loved, by so many. Hang in there. You can do it!! With all our faith supporting yours, you CAN do it!! Sending love!

  23. We are still praying for you. Every day. I know the recovery isn't going to be easy, but I'm so grateful you are here and you are going to get through it! Your cousin is right, miracles happen every day and you are a breathing miracle. SO grateful for you and your family. Prayers and love for you, Jen. Always.

  24. Love reading the updates! Bless you Jen! I know we don't know each other but I find you to be a very inspiring and strong woman! Keep up the good work with your healing and my prayers and hopes are that you will be up and back to your regular motherly duties as soon as possible!

  25. “You are not accidental. The world needs you. Without you, something will be missing in existence and nobody can replace it.”

  26. It's rough patch, for sure, but you are strong, you are determined, and you will get through! Sending lots of love and prayers to you and your family.

  27. Jen, your strength amazes me. I know you will come out of this trial so much stronger. You and your family have my continuing prayers. May you body continue to heal and gain the strength that it needs.

  28. So happy to hear your son is doing well, and that God has been working for you and your family in such amazing ways! We have been keeping you all in our prayers, and will continue. Our God is an Awesome God! Take care of yourself! Love, Melody

  29. Such a strong women! Praying for you that these tough times will pass quickly and you can get more comfortable. Thank you for the updates!

  30. I keep thinking about the great sacrifice that you have made to bring your little son into this world, you have put your very life on the line! This is probably as close as a person can come to the Savior's sacrifice for each of us. Thank you Jen for showing such a great example of Christ-like love and sacrifice. As you still have mountains yet to climb, our faith and prayers will continue on your behalf and that of your family's. Hang in there! Love you!
    PS I love the pictures, especially the note on your belly to the doctors! So funny!

  31. Many couples have trouble with the "hot or cold" controversy. I'm always hot and the hubby is always cold- now Todd can pick a side!

    Benjamin looks great for a Preemie! He seems like he is very strong. I hope the CPAC goes away soon :)

    You can do hard things (through Christ who strengthens you!)

    Still praying in MA!

  32. Love that sweet picture of you holding Ben! What a miracle! We are grateful for the miracles your family has witnessed over the last few days and we know the Lord is watching over you. You are in His hands! We continue to pray for you all and that you make a full recovery! - The Guymon Family

  33. Jen and Todd, the Stratton family is praying for you and your family!! Thank you for sharing your story, wisdom and faith. -Courtney and Scott Stratton

  34. Amazing! I can not say how happy I am that you have recovered and made it through the worst! I, and all of us, have anxiously waited for the updates and news of your surgeries and each little step towards healing; each battle won. My heart ached for you and Todd during your long, long, hours of surgery, and we have said MANY prayers for you.

    Tears of joy have been shed for each of your victories! Way to go Jen, your baby is so sweet and beautiful! How will you ever put little Ben down to fold laundry or do other mundane tasks? He is so perfect.

    I got tears in my eyes talking to your Father in Law yesterday and again reading these last posts and everyone's comments. It IS so coolly unselfish of you to share this journey/challenge/trial/Gift with each of us. thank you for your optimism, FAITH, and humor.

    You, Todd and kids will continue to be in my prayers!
    Love ya',

  35. Jen,

    You do not know me but I have followed along in your journey during this pregnancy. I am part of the large LDS family group on facebook. We all love you so much and have been so concerned for you. I look at that gorgeous baby and know he will be an amazing soul on this earth. How could he not? You are his mother!

    Hang in there and know that the greatest blessings come after the test. Do not allow the hardships of recovery overshadow that you have done this for Ben and he is perfect! You have made it through a very difficult surgery and pregnancy. Recovery is hard but not impossible.

    Thank you for sharing your story with us! Can't wait for that happy ending with Today show interviews and a movie!

  36. Dear Jen,
    You continue to amaze and inspire me. I know people all over are praying for you. I bet your name is on the Prayer Rolls in dozens of Temples -- I can imagine the Temple worker who answers the phone in Portland wondering "Who is that Jenifer Moss? She must be pretty special for so many people to be calling on her behalf". I too believe you have angels all around you and your sweet, loving, patient husband Todd, and all your children. I always thought that I had a lot of quiet faith, but as I have enjoyed reading of your pregnancy journey through your blog, I am but a mustard seed in comparison to the faith you have shown us all. You are amazing, really amazing. When I grow up, I want to be like Jen Moss.
    God bless you as you continue to heal. I know your kiddos at home are anxious to be able to hug you and snuggle with you, so I pray for your continued recovery so you can be united with them SOON. Benjamin is beautiful. You are beautiful. Hang in there. Know that we are all pulling for you. And continued blessings to your doctors and nurses who all love you so much and are taking such good care of you.

  37. Praying for a speedy and easy recovery! You got this!! :)

  38. You have an amazing family and you are an amazing woman! Thank you for being a woman of faith and for sharing your story with us. You are in our prayers and we are praying for a speedy recovery!

  39. Karla,
    God bless you for the details of Jen's condition. I didn't expect Todd to be able to update, so thank you for jumping right in there to let us know. It helps us to know the good to be grateful for, as well as where we still need to focus our prayers. I tried to send this comment on your blog, but that didn't work. I hope you get this. Thanks again. I can see why you are Jen's favorite cousin!!!

  40. Sorry KAELA, I clearly did not check my spelling before sending that last comment. God bless you KAELA !


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