July 03, 2014

Stealing Moments Together

Life has a way of pulling couples apart.
I'm learning that the "bipolar" up and down swings of life are unavoidable.  Sometimes you just are more productive, happier, more in love, healthier than other times.

The down times come, because we're human.

So, these days I spend less time analyzing why I'm low, less time trying to plan my life so I never feel overwhelmed or sick, and more time establishing routines that I can rely on to pull me up.

When Todd and I are united- my whole life is sunshiney.  We make time for early bedtimes and simple lunch dates.  Even if we just sneak out for a 15 minute trip to town- that 15 minutes refreshes my soul. Just holding his hand rejuvenates me.

When my kids are home for the summer, I crave quiet, peace, and order.  I find this control center in my marriage.  Taking time to be one with Todd gives me the foundational support to be the calming force for my feisty eight.

I love that man.
I'm glad he's mine.

What do you do to stay close to your husband?  How do you rejuvenate?

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