July 04, 2014

The Home of the Brave

Happy 4th!!
Although patriotic thoughts swirl in my soul and I'm worried about freedom in our country and in the world- this 3rd of July my focus was home.

We had a mild war of independence of our own yesterday.  In our war, the mother country successfully ousted offending Japanese WII and other internet international forces who have been battling with kamikaze power for control of our home since school let out last week.  For the time being, there is no talk of a peace treaty.  
We are focused on a week or two of country building without foreign invasion.  My children, the former POWs are acting as if we, the freedom fighters, have ripped off their arms.  We blame brain damage and attribute their lack of gratitude at time of rescue to a severe case of Stockholm Syndrome.  Haha.  
(Baby Lily)
(Baby Eve)

National response is yet to be determined.  We have stood with Sweden in the past, but affirm absolutely that our last military uprising was a defensive act in response to repeated violations of border control.  Although this is a land of immigrants, we only support legal border crossings.  For the time being, our relations with China and Japan are severely sanctioned.  We support the use of drones.  We may grant amnesty to World Cup players who legally petition.

In my parts some might question our claim to phrases like "the land of the free" but mothers everywhere will join in affirming it is truthfully "the home of the brave".  
Let freedom reign!!
I love this country.
I'm grateful and mindful of the freedoms we share.
God bless our homes!  
God bless America!
God bless the World!
Peace be with you.
Life is sacred.
Let us live with responsibility and kindness.

Today, in my home, we support the momarchy and we say loudly--Long live the Queen!!

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