August 01, 2014

Ellie is Eleven

This girl!!
Oh sweet Ellie, how I love you.

I wish every one of you could know this child.
Ellie is bright, shining and sharp.
She is social and very aware of social nuances.

Ellie is a great fashionista.  Her nails are always painted with funky designs and evidence of her kind heart shows through on the nails of all who live in or visit our home.  

Ellie is creative.  She is always making something.  

She's funny and feisty and inspiring.

Honestly- Ellie is so much like me.  She has had to learn to control her emotional soul.  She loves easily.  She is so much fun to be around.  

Ellie writes me notes all the time.
Ellie helps me pick out accessories.
Ellie feels the Spirit.
Ellie is quick to pitch in when I need a hand.
Ellie is GREAT with little kids.
Ellie keeps friends, writes letters, calls people, and gives good gifts.
I feel so blessed to be her mother.
I have loved this beautiful little girl from the days I carried her in my womb.
She is an angel.

Happy Birthday Lady!!
You are really growing up.
I hear that eleven is the year young ladies begin to do their dish jobs happily!!
It's going to be a great year!!!

Ps-- eleven is still WAY too young for makeup and stiletto heals...


  1. Happy Birthday Ellie! You are a delight to have as a daughter and have brought so much joy to your mother and me. Thank you for all the positive things you add to our family. I love you!


  2. She sounds like a real sweetheart and with you as her mom I'm sure she will stay that way throughout her teens and beyond!


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