August 05, 2014

A Happy Family

We are visiting the beach with all of Todd's siblings- 11 adults (Todd is still at a conference) and 28 kids.  We have two separate houses.

I could gush for hours about this trip, but I am going to turn off my phone and savor my morning hours.

I wanted to say one thing.
Good, close families are beautiful.
How I love my brothers and sisters in-law.  I feel safe here with them.

We drove yesterday to one beautiful, local attraction.  I was sandwiched in the middle of the caravan with a van full of kids.  As I followed, I was overwhelmed with a feeling of safety, love, and peace.  My brother in laws take good care of me.  My sister in laws are good, good people. I love them.  

Family is the best.
These are good parents who are all trying to raise good children.
We love each other, we help each other, we laugh together, we cherish quirks, we parent differently and similarly.  It is so fun to be together.
In this there is safety and peace.

Being with family (and being at the beach) makes me want to be with my own family more.
I hope all of you have fond memories of being with family in your childhood.
I am a friend person-- I love people easily.  But, there is just something special about family.
Oh, I'm so grateful to be alive, to be at the beach, and to be with FAMILY.
This is good.

1 comment:

  1. And this is why I'd love to be in England :)


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