August 18, 2014

The day before "vacation"

This is me
This is my garden
These are my girls playing as I type this blog (they just finished swimming)
Today I...
-took seven kids to four orthodontist appointments
-went grocery shopping
-tried to get a copy of current physicals from our pediatrician 
-found out it takes a WEEK to get a copy of physicals from a dr
-learned that without physicals my boys can't start school soccer today and won't be able to play in their first game
-argued with Todd and the coach about the fact that I have physicals scheduled for next week and felt that last years physicals (from September- less than one year ago) should still be valid until next week
-got a (well-deserved but still utterly devastating and expensive) ticket for talking on the phone in a work zone.  Ugh.
-stopped by the library for a school required summer reading book
-stopped by the local Ag store for molasses cow feed
-stopped at the nurse's office to pick up an OK to play form (yay! They're letting my kids play and have their physicals next week.)
-made lunch
-had a PT appointment for Ben
-scraped my van mirror off backing up in my driveway-- darn branch Todd's going to be thrilled-- a ticket and broken mirror all in one day.  Oh my.  

Todd called while I was typing this blog so I told him about the broken van mirror- my 2nd blunder of the day.  He laughed at me after asking "Seriously?" ten times.  He reminded me this is the SECOND car mirror I've broken off.  He said we need to hurry up and get me on that airplane and encouraged me not to drive for the rest of the day.  Haha.  I love him.

Ben's Physical Therapist is a sweet, young mother.  She said, "After I came here the last couple of times I went home and told my husband how amazing your house is.  I have two kids and someone is always fighting or crying and my house is a mess, you have eight and your house is immaculate and your kids are so calm and well-behaved.  They even answer the phone so respectfully."

Haha.  What a sweetie.  My house is NOT immaculate.  She is absolutely seeing only a tiny snap shot of my life (we obviously straighten up and threaten the children to behave properly while she's here).  But, it's nice to see my crazy life through someone else's eyes every now and then.

Can I tell you something?
I just know we have a Father in Heaven who blesses us profusely.

Weeks ago I prayed for a little time away to be taught, to be quiet, and to get ready for a new year.  This trip I'm about to take is an absolute, miraculous gift.
I almost forget that sometimes in the day to day stress of getting things ready to go.

I sometimes forget how absolutely blessed I am to have the beautiful, large family I have.  I forget how lucky I am to be perfectly in love and married to my best friend.  I forget that to be able to work and to serve is a gift.
This is the life that I created.  I love it.

Today, once again, I remember and I am grateful.
Life is good!
(Ben likes peanut butter and has his mother's eyes.)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I was reading the endless things that you did today, and mentally compared it with where you were last year at this time. You've come such a long way!:)(Bummer about the ticket and the mirror). Have fun on your trip.


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