November 06, 2008

3 down, 8 to go...

OK-- this is my THIRD finished quilt...
I think I still have 8 in progress...
i talked to my sister tonight-- she's adorable...
her son just lost his first two teeth--
the night he lost his first tooth she scoured the house and could only find a $20 bill for under his pillow... she tried to warn him that the tooth fairy may have been extra generous that night because it was his first tooth... the morning after he lost his second tooth he came down to breakfast a bit disappointed. She asked his what was wrong and he answered, "I got a buck." :)
He just didn't understand that even the tooth fairy is struggling with the current economy...


Taneil said...

You are inspring me but not enough to do anything ... Keep working!!

Susan said...

Very cute blog! Funny, funny, funny...I haven't laughed this hard in a while~
Congrats on finishing up some of your projects. I don't know how you do it!

Diana said...

i love this one!

Unknown said...

I saw the quilt when I took your carpet cleaner back (thanks, by the way!) It looked great! Keep on quiltin'!

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