all the letters on the chart looked like "black dots"
especially since her friend Paige got glasses and, her BFF Bandera went to the eye doctor.
i've been a bit wary of ellie's mysterious eye issues.
but her blurry-eyed complaints have endured 2 regular doctor visits and had led us to a specialist.
she continued to insist that she couldn't read the eye chart.
when asked what letters she could read she would respond...
"They ALL looks like black dots."
so, when the doctor stepped out for a moment, i smiled and told her that understood she REALLY did NEED glasses...
real glasses.
and, that even if she could read the "black spots" on the eye chart, we would still get her glasses.
real glasses.
guess what happened?
the doctor came back into the room
and, the eye chart became 100% clearer.
it seems that with the proper "prescription" everything was a bit clearer.
and ellie is cute as can be in her new, REAL glasses.
i am grateful for claires. $8.
and, the doctor did say she is a tiny bit far-sighted, so we'll check back with him in six months.
i have a feeling that mom's prescription will improve her eyesight magically.
and. actually... as i type, these letters look a little blurry... i think i need a pair of purple-diamond real. glasses too...
ps. yup, i even talked to her teacher at school and told her ellie's glasses were REAL. she needed them.
every day.
until middle school, when she will probably need a retainer.
we all need retainers in middle school.
it's a 1st grade thing.
How cute :)
what a smart mom. love it
what a smart mom. love it
*sigh* Once AGAIN--brilliant! Although I don't know if purple sparkles are really for you now that they're Ellie's "thing"... maybe hot pink?:-)
Just found your blog! LOVE! I could be your friend. I really could 8O)
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