December 03, 2010

don't miss this.

the nativity exhibit is BEAUTIFUL.
live nativity (outside)
i am amazed at the woman and men i have worked with and how they have transformed a gym into a beautiful display.

we have had close to 800 visitors each day.
we did call 911 the first hour we opened because a sweet elderly woman had a stroke... she was visiting with a group of friends all from the First Methodist Church... the ambulance was quick and painless.
but a shaky start.
see that large painting... an artist painted it for this event- it was stunning.

the first night, 40 minutes prior to our Christmas Concert, some of the Hosts plugged in a vacuum and blew a fuse-- causing half the lights in the Exhibit to go out...
Christmas Concert
Concert Overflow Seating... we had seating for 475... and it was just about full!
that was fun.
i called our electrical specialist who told me to go to the circuit breaker.
i told him i was there.
he said, "look for the circuit that switched."
i told him there were hundreds of lights.
he said i was standing in front of the sound system amplifier... not the circuit breaker.
i'm not quite the electrical specialist that i needed to be for this event.

my feet hurt.
i'm not so excited about clean up...
but, i feel peace and i definitely feel this event was a great way to kick off the Christmas season.
we had 400 nativities and about 75 international nativities...

but honestly, after trying to get 400 camels to not fall over, i don't think i even LIKE nativities.
(i like creche's... i think that is what you call the all one piece Mary, Joseph and Baby...)
please, don't tell anyone that.

(my favorite-- the sweet people who i talked with...)

if you haven't come yet, we are still open from Noon- 6pm tomorrow.
don't miss it.
and, bring your kids.
we have the cutest family picture of everyone dressed in nativity costumes.

oh, i may not love nativities...
but i DO love Christmas.
i hope you are all and enjoying this season.
Merry Christmas Everyone!!


Lanette said...

Oooo, it looks beautiful. It totally reminds me of the creche display when I was a kid. So magical, so beautiful (I love that painting). I wish I could've read the minds of the people there, to see how they felt about it all, warm fuzzies, the works. Way to go. I bet it will be a bitter-sweet end tommorow. Way to go.

beckyjune said...

I took the girls last night and it was breathtaking, Jen. Just walking in and seeing the beautiful display in the foyer was incredible- the picture of the baby Jesus was so beautiful but it took my breath away to walk into the gym and go up and down the aisles to see the nativities. What an amazing job you have all done. We are going back tomorrow to see the childrens' room and see the nativities again before it's all taken down.

Rebekah said...

It came together so well!
I sincerely wish that I lived nearby--the sweet spirit of it comes through even in the pictures!!
What a great thing to be a part of, Jen. Good job.

Tiffany said...


Teachinfourth said...

I love it when people do Nativity scenes…at Radio City Music Hall it was a part of their Christmas Spectacular…it was amazing.

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