June 02, 2008

Nippy Nips the Dust

Nippy lived a short but happy life in our Tadpole aquarium. She was actually the first of our three tadpoles to grow legs and arms. Her tail was almost gone. We are afraid that she may have been poisoned... an overdose of tadpole food. But, the case is still under investigation.
We are comforted by the fact that her spirit is currently swimming in tadpole Heaven and that someday she will be resurrected. She was greatly loved and will be remembered hourly. Especially by Ellie who keeps reminding us, "Remember, Nippy died."
(Todd picked the burial spot- right under our bedroom window. He did explain to the kids that "Rest in Peace" means NO ONE CAN DIG HER UP!! Yeah, we'll see how long that lasts. I think next week our Family Home Evening will be on decomposing.) Another day in the life...

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