June 05, 2008

Little Quilts Projects I Love...

Cute huh!? The bottom two quilts are from one of my favorite quilt designers, Cherie Saffiote-Payne, she's published by Indygo Junction. If I had no children at home I think I'd quilt all day long. With kids at home, I quilt all night (and listen to Georgette Heyer books on tape). :)


astowers said...

I'm so excited you switched over to Blogger. My blog is private so if you will email you address to me I will send an invitation to you. My email address is
stowers@ byu.net.

I'm so impressed with all of the quilts you make they are beautiful. Someday, I will have to take a class and learn how to make them better. I have just made a few simple ones.

Thanks for posting about your summer schedule! I think I might try a few of your ideas.

Allison Stowers

Kimberly said...

Cute quilts, cute blog, cute Jen! I am always impressed by everything you do!

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