July 31, 2008

July 30, 2008
5 little monkeys...
(this is our amazing split-second photography...)
so the kids thought they were hilarious...
they each put on 6 or 7 of Todd's shirts and had an enjoyable time posing as gangsters... saying,
"i'm a fat guy and i like my pie."
(after an unfortunate incident where leah felt that the kids were trying to strangle her inside one of daddy's shirts- she would have nothing to do with them- thus the naked baby in the middle of the bunch, with the somewhat hesitant expression...)
Todd and I actually couldn't help laughing and they did succeed in postponing bedtime by 30 minutes...
ahh... summer moments...
July 29, 2008
Bakerella Moss...

July 26, 2008
puppy dog tails...
July 25, 2008

"Joy- Land, get it... it's on land and it gives you joy..."
NOTE: Jen was there... but had the camera the whole night.
We only lost anna and ellie once, don't worry, they weren't scared at all, they were "just looking at the rides". Leah cried every ride she was too small to ride, and jen cried every ride she was too pregnant to ride...
July 24, 2008
some more fun projects...

i love these websites... just click on the words to go to them...
meme's quilts
pattern hutch
threads that bind

the votes are in...
And, this cute picture (just because we can make all 3 with wool and scraps...) 3 for the price of 1
So, we'll all make the wall-hanging and I'll make kits of the pillow and pictures for those of you who want to get crazy at home...
I'm so excited... just start your mind envisioning one afternoon of fabric, sewing, piles of stuff, and kids underfoot... it will be a bit chaotic (NOT like Enrichment) but, it will be sooo fun... think, old time quilting bees...
July 23, 2008
ok sisters... let's vote

July 21, 2008
mom... big mess!

Being the super-clean, well-disciplined mother that i am i was so upset and found no humor in the situation (hee-hee)... She was just devastated, as you can tell by the look on her face...
this is the BEST!!

July 20, 2008
saying prayers...

we are all kneeling down, we tell leah to fold her arms, then mom can't resist saying "close your eyes"... everyone just dies laughing... it's impossible to be reverent when she's so funny... she'll stay like that too, for a long time, wondering why we are all laughing... if the prayer gets too long she just yells, "Amen!"... today during church she decided the closing prayer was getting a bit long... hopefully the speaker didn't hear her jubilant encouragement to finish up... AMEN!!
sweet baby prayer moments...
July 19, 2008
from blouses to blankets...