July 16, 2008

some photo's from my day...

just thought i'd let you all know that i'm feeling better- now that i'm full of blood, powerful blood...
it was just another day of ironing...

and cleaning the house...
i promised todd not to do too much,
but it's hard when you feel like

(ps. see those cute aprons and dresses i'm wearing in the pictures... i made them all last night!)


astowers said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better Jen! Do the doctors know what caused your allergic reaction?

On another note. I have really enjoyed your blog. I usually check yours first when I log on. You always have something new and cute on yours. You are amazing doing all that you do!

jenifer said...

Thanks Alison...
the doctors aren't sure what caused the reaction... they gave me a lot of iron, so they think that was it, but I've read on the internet that some people have allergic reactions to b12 shots the first few times until their body gets used to it...

anyway, thanks for the pat on the back, it's been fun keeping in touch with your family thru the years...

corrie said...

This post is great! You look just like I remember...Well done. You are a Superhero!

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