July 15, 2008

beanbag moments...

sorry for these random pictures... i'm up early anxious for my day of transfusions and i stumbled upon these sweet pictures from two years ago, when my last baby, leah was born... (this was actually her first day of church)... what a sweet time... i'm so grateful for the little one in my tummy right now and i'm hopeful that with the help of a few other people, drugs, and blood she will come into this world as beautiful and healthy as her brothers and sisters... i'm so excited to meet her!! is a few iv's and some dizzy days too much to pay for this miracle?

although i haven't been feeling so well the past couple of days, i have enjoyed sweet moments with my kids... the boys are always up at the crack of dawn... they whisper "Mom, if we get our jobs done can we play computer." I have learned that summer while your pregnant is not the time to limit your children's exposure to computer/television... so i agree. since the computer is in my bedroom i can hear them for an hour whisper encouragement to each other, take turns, and cheer in their softest voice... sweet moment...

when i realized what time it was i wondered what my girls were up to... i ventured out to the living room to see them all sweetly situated on leah's amy butler pillow, watching Barbie Mermaidia... so sweet...

and finally, during my Sunday of Benadryl induced rest, my boys decided they were beanbag making machines... they made 20 or so beanbags... some for each of their sisters and some more for themselves... they would come to me off and on asking me to knot their string or rethread my sewing machine... i could hear them talking to my baby... "leah, you want purple beanbag? purple?" anyway, just a simple moment, but it thought it was sweet...

1 comment:

Lorena said...

Your kids sound so sweet, Jen. Hope everything goes well today.

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