Yeah- it did take me till noon to get dressed, but Lily got a bath...

Isn't she the cutest naked baby?

I barely buttoned some REAL jeans...

My wedding rings fit!! AND i painted my nails...

I tried a new recipe (because it was yummy in the hospital) Chicken Fried Steak...
It was just like homemade chicken nuggets except you start with cube steak (i think) and you make a white sauce gravy to go over it... i got the recipe from Better Homes and Garden's Cookbook.

AND... I made bread... (for real-- i even did the dishes...
todd started having black-out moments... memories of days gone past...
hallucinations of non-paper plates and dessert even when we don't have company...)
As we were climbing into bed-- it was dark although my world was still full of sunshine-- I asked, "Is their really such a thing as post-
partum depression?" Seriously, there needs to be more studies on mid-
partum depression... who can be depressed loosing 20 pounds in two days, holding a perfect, tiny baby, or having pants that stay up over your bum???
Yeah-- I know, first day with no mother-in-law and I did pretty well...
So, today I get to stay in my
jammies all day and look at pictures of how productive I was yesterday.
Or-- I'll clean my kitchen floor-- Leah just spilled Ellie's old bowl of cereal all over the floor... while I was wiping she was madly trying to eat the soggy
marshmallows... Gross!!
I am totally cracking up! My favorite picture is of the pants! Only you would attempt to put regular pants back on a week after baby and actually do them up! Pretty impressive. You must be feeling really good to have made bread. You need to slow down because my baby is almost 48 months old and she didn't get a bath or eat homemade bread today! I am truly happy for you in all of your happiness.
so fun! You really are back!!
Love her dark mass of hair. Not sure who she looks like, but she belongs.
dude...looks nummy.
You rock lady!
I think however you must still be showing signs of some post-partum insanity. I don't know of ANYBODY who would actually try to copy a hospital recipe. :-)
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