September 03, 2008

vote 2008?!...

OK- I've been a bit wishy-washy this election... I actually really like Obama, and I have for a long time. He feels like a good man to me. I didn't love McCain, mainly from listening to talk radio. But after watching the first few days of the Republican convention I have to say that I really like Sarah Palin... I think anyone who saw and listened to her would like her. Don't all of us have that little girl hope that someday we could be President of the United States? She is a woman that values family and is still making a difference in the world. I like her and I'm pretty sure that I'm voting for them. McCain, I'm not exactly sure... but the convention worked for me so far. I didn't know his background story- how he was a POW for 5 years. I respect and admire his service and I do believe that he will fight for what he believes in, even when it isn't politically popular with Republicans or Democrats... Honestly, I really thought I'd vote Democrat this election, but these two speeches have won me over. See what you think... Fred Thompson- "The Courage and Service of John McCain" Sarah Palin- "Acceptance of the Republican VP Nomination"


Lorena said...

Totally with you! It even makes me feel that us as PTO Moms can do anything!

Leah said...

when I very first saw Obama I got pretty good vibes too, like he was something fresh and new. BUT as I have done some research over the past 3 months I am SHOCKED at how wrong I was! I was a little shaky about McCain at first but now I am 100% McCain-Palin. The media has totally skewed who Obama really is. Just check out his history of terrorist friends, and view on late term abortion to give you an idea. I am really excited about Palin and her family values too!!

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