double digits.
my crazy doctor day was also jakob's 10th birthday.
yes, he did get white cupcakes with white frosting and RED sprinkles.
(Black and Red are his favorite colors.)
and, IBC root beer in glass jars.
he said it was the coolest birthday any kid at school has had. :)
and, egg rolls and fried rice for dinner.
and, wii pokemon games and bakugon and some new controllers...
i don't know, todd was in charge of the boy gifts
to be honest, i'm not a big fan of 8 and 9 year olds.
but so far, i'm lovin' 10.
my baby is growing up.
we lived near grandma and grandpa moss for the first 3 years of jakob's life.
once i came home to find grandma in tears. she was wondering if jakob was one of those special kids who die young because they are too good for this life.
that's my jakob.
everyone loves him.
he's sweet, he's funny, he's smart and athletic, and he's got moves.
yes. he's a bit sassy at times.
and, he's constantly kicking a ball or throwing a ball or touching someone.
but overall, i really like him.
so, in honor of this momentous day i thought i'd share with you--
10 things i like about jakob...
1. He's completely self motivated. He's always gotten straight A's. He does his own homework without any motivation from me. He cares about assignments and projects and stuff. He comes to me when he needs a paper signed or wants to practice spelling words. I know he will be a successful man because he is such a self motivated kid.
2. He's dependable. Like his daddy, he's scheduled. Everyday he comes home, practices his piano, takes out the trash, does his homework and goes out to play. I love it.
3. He tries soo hard. Jakob is the only kid in school who is in both the GT and Dyslexia program. Reading, writing and spelling don't come easy for him. But, he tries hard. Once at a soccer practice, he was trying so hard to run faster that he had tears streaming down his face.
4. He's a super-sweet brother. As the oldest of 6, Jakob is adorable with little kids. He can coax the most stubborn toddler into a coat. He loves lovin' on babies. He's really good at the bounce hold when i need him to distract a hungry baby just until i finish making dinner. A woman up at school told me that her little girl was scared to go down the slide. She was just about to climb the ladder herself when Jakob lovingly picked up the toddler, set her on his lap and slid down the slide with her. He's adorable.
5. His side of the room is always clean.
6. He's funny. Seriously. He gets my jokes. He laughs at the funny things his brothers and sisters do. And, he tells some pretty good jokes. And, he's not afraid to dress-up in silly outfits or put pig tails in his hair on crazy hair day or wear my socks... even if they're pink.
7. He's confident. Jakob says things like, "Pretty much every girl in 4th grade is in love with me." And, "I'm basically the 3rd fasted kid in the school." i lOVE confidence.
8. He's social. Jakob plans our social calender. He's always setting up play dates with his friends, or suggesting families we can invite over for dinner. He travels the neighborhood playing with friends on every block. He's definitely a team player.
9. He has a kind heart. He always befriends the kids without any friends. In Kindergarten he brought an extra pair of jammies on pajama day for his friend that didn't have any. He's just like that.
10. He gets it. Always. We do get into battles of will, he fights with drew, he's sassy and defiant... but, he always softens. It doesn't take too long and I'll hear a sweet knock at my door. It Jakob coming to say sorry and give me a hug. He's strong willed, but he thaws and he sees what we're trying to teach him. He's easy to forgive and he forgives others easily. I love that.
He's a good thing.
I'm so grateful to have him as the oldest in our family.
10 down... looking forward to the next 100.
That was such a great tribute. I can't believe our oldest's are really this old!
Jakob, you are a great kid. You will be a great man one day --too soon!
To quote one of my favorite authors, "Oh, the places you'll go!"
We love you!
What great things to say about Jakob. He is such a great kid. We just love him and can't wait to see what he makes of himself. Love you Jakey Pooh:)
definitely have to agree with you on this one!! Jakob really is a special kid. I remember hearing mom Moss saying that to me about Jakob.
I totally think that he is one of the greatest kids I've met along with Eli. I really hope my kids can grow into wonderful older kids like yours.
Please tell him we love him very much!
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