i think the sunshine streaming through my window is calling to me??
i bought a "do-it-yourself" highlighting kit at target yesterday...
i'm trying to talk the professor into assisting me.
i don't have $80 to seek professional help...
sunshine in a bottle for $10.99 fit my budget.
but, i'm scared.
very scared.
my hair is DARK. and not naturally highlighted AT ALL.
my kit comes with a cap... but, after watching too many do-it-yourself videos, i think i'm going to try foil... :) or, maybe i should say, i think the professor is going to try foils... hee hee... oh what am i getting into? if he TOTALLY messes up my hair he might feel more inclined to fork out the money to fix it. no?!
any tips?
Ooops. could've-been-better Mom Moment.

phone rings---
"Hi mom, it's me, Ellie."
"I just won FIRST PLACE in the Kindergarten Math Bee!! I got a medal and a TROPHY!!"
Me- "Wow!! Great Job Honey!!"
Thinking-- (oops. i missed that one. kindergarten math bee??... and, i didn't even know Ellie knew math. bad mom. and, i was busy. looking at highlighted hair on the internet. bad, bad mom.)
hang up. call the school.
"um. any more math bees today that i should know about????"
mark my calendar-
today at 2pm- jakob is in the talent show playing greensleaves-- i did know about this one...
May 20- 10:20 3rd grade math bee... for Drew. I do know that he is almost in the math bee... IF one girl doesn't show up and Dawson gets scared, he's the 2nd place guy. :)
mental notes- practice math facts with boys and girls this summer...
i should do more practicing. my kids do fine without me, so i NEVER practice with them. i think they would like some more help with spelling and math facts...
check their backpacks EVERYday.
even ellies.
i'm sure there was a note that i missed last night.
i need some positive time with ellie...
maybe a special math champion lunch date?? hmmm. what do math champions like to eat for lunch?
EDIT-- guess what??!! parents weren't invited to the math bee-- they didn't want the little mathmeticians to freeze up... SO, I'm not a bad mom after all!!! We had a fun afternoon-- watched Jakob at the talent show and then took the whole gang out for ice cream and playground in the rain... NOW, we're having our wal-mart cook-your-own pizza (cheese for the kids and chicken alfredo, with our own added artichoke hearts, for the parents)... life is OH SO GOOD!!) i had a "sound of music moment" watching all my kids run to the car after school got out... WHAT A GANG we have!! love it.
what i hear about dyeing dark hair is that you first bleach your color out and then add a color dye that will make your streaks look more natural. mixing colors is scary. Have you considered a beauty school? I get mine done -cut and color- for about $50 at fantastic sams. You can always go get it fixed if your at home kit doesn't go very well. have ot admit, it looks like a lot of fun to try at home...
LOVE this post!
thanks for sharing!
Good luck with that whole hair thing. Todd will make a great beautician I'm sure--it's all about physics and chemistry (he likes that stuff, right? ha, ha).
By-the-way, are you like super tall compared to everyone else in Lubbock or was that PTA picture just a fluke--looks like if you stood up you would be a head taller than even that guy. funny.
Love and smiles!
I figured it out! The picture trouble I was having. Blockage from my K9 protection thingy. I did some tweeking and NOW I can see! So I'm off to your past months posts and those of my sisters to see all the fun stuff you've got going on. And how exactly to make the ruffle t-shirt thing. I hope I didn't disable something important, but for now I am happy to know what the heck you were talking about with the sunshine business. I say GO FOR IT! Just because I have a crappy haircut right now so I'm telling everyone to take chances with their hair in hopes I will have some visitors to my crappy hair club. We eat a lot of chocolate. (We meaning ME. ugh)
Well done Ellie!!!
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