Ready or Not... summer is coming!!
This year I was scared, until i started planning... now, i'm a little scared, and REALLY excited.
My nephew, Justin, age 7, is coming to live with us NEXT MONDAY... so, I'll have 7 kids under 10 at home with no money... a little overwhelming. I need to brainstorm and come up with my plan for the summer. You may just laugh and think i'm nuts... remember, in real life, i'm VERY laid back... my plans change easily. But, i need to start with a plan or else i go crazy. So...
1. Pick a THEME. I don't know why I need a theme to get excited about something... maybe it's my years at girl's camp. This year our theme is "Be a HERO." I really want to teach the kids about all different kinds of heroes... people who have overcome adversity to do great things. Regular kids, people with disabilities, smart people, athletic people, people in the armed forces, leaders... oh, the possibilities. I'm particularly excited about this because my sister, Justin's mom, will be oversees with the Marines. She's a hero, and i want Justin to know how proud we are of her. Remember this post about praise?? It seriously has changed my life. I want my kids to look at life as EXERCISE... i want them to see potential and growth...HEROES. love it. (and, i think my kids will love it too...)
-- i'm excited to find some of those neck medals and make "Kindest", "Cleanest Room", "Most Respectful" and stuff like... every Monday I'll have the kids nominate someone to receive that award... they can hang their award on their bed till the next Monday... yup. i need to find these still...
2. Go to the LIBRARY. We LOVE the library. The kids can each pick one or two books each time we go. This is so that they can't complain everyday when we have QUIET TIME. yup. we READ a lot. i love it. Before the kids are out of school i check out tons on "themey" books. This year it will be books about heroes. I just keep the books in a basket in the living room and right after lunch, when the baby is down for a nap, i read to the kids. We read and we talk and i love it. The library here has an AMAZING summer reading program. It motivates the kids to read without me nagging them. We also sign up for the Barnes and Noble Summer Reading program-- it's great! Plus, the library around here has a lot of fun, free events. i like to mark them on my calendar just in case we're looking for an outing when they're having one...
3. Have scheduled free-time. OK, i like structure, but i also like lazy afternoons. So, I usually have structured mornings with open afternoons. I think you need to have checkpoints during the day. Checkpoint one- Breakfast. Before anyone eats breakfast they need to be dressed with their bed made. Checkpoint two- Lunch/Free time/Field trip... before you leave for the day or before you eat lunch or before they play, kids need to have their chores done, their school work done and their music practicing done. You don't need to nag them, just say, "We're leaving in a few minutes, are you ready? Before you go swimming you'll need to have your stuff done." "Mmmm. Pancakes for breakfast. Who is ready?" When kids ask to play on the computer, watch tv, go outside, etc., you just say, "Sure, as soon as your stuff is done." I use this kind of visual schedule, just so the kids know what i have planned... i like to put the next day's schedule up the night before to get them excited.

4. School Work, Scouts, 4-H, Music... kids like to learn! This year i found some school based workbooks at sam's club for $5.88. They go from PK up, so I got one PK, one 1st grade, two 2nd grade, one 4th grade and one 5th grade. Sound's like a day care no? I LOVE these books. But, i don't check them or nag them, i just say, "Did you do your school work?" Sometimes I use them as ways they can earn more time on the computer... nothing official, just, "Don't you think you've had enough screen time? I'm afraid your brain is shrinking. Do 5 pages in your school book and you can play computer again." The kids actually LOVE doing this. Not all the pages, but most of them. They just leave a pencil in them and we have a basket where they're stored. i LOVE summer school work.

Doesn't it look fun?!!! Don't you want your own jar with some TOKENS of my appreciation? I'm a bit worried that the chocolate won't last until a kid earns 10 tokens...
9. Plan some BIG, fun things. I HOPE to sign the boys up for a 2 week sports camp and the girls up for a once a week gymnastics class. We don't do summer sports, and we try not to get scheduled in the summer, but i think a few fun things are good for summer sanity. I'm not a big swimming lessons fan-- we just are ALWAYS at the pool, and they just learn to swim. But, if your kids don't have access to a pool, swimming lessons are a great way to give them that experience. I LOVE to take the kids to live plays during the summer. But, it's expensive, so we plan a couple fun outings and then make a deal of them. Last year we got tickets to a live performance of 7 Brides for 7 Brothers. We bought the dvd and watched it 3 times before the show... so, my kids knew what was happening and had so much fun. They still love that show. We also read scripture each day during the year... we usually finish up during the summer and to celebrate we do one big outing... last year it was Joyland (i know, it's sad cause joyland is not an amazing amusment park.) This year I HOPE we can go to 6 flags in Dallas... let me know if you find cheap tickets. And, we ALWAYS take a road trip out to Idaho at the end of the summer... fun, fun!
10. GO EASY!!! Popsicles, Easy Mac, Ramen Noodles, Hot Dogs, Corn Dogs, Big Pickles, Boxed Snacks, Bottled Drinks, Pringles... Last summer i learned a great lesson from Grey- have kid-friendly food available!! Stocking up on the easy stuff makes summer fun and a house full of kids managable. Yes, we LOVE fresh fruit and veggies all summer long!! But, during the summer my shopping cart is definitly more full of EASY stuff. I love the flip-top water bottles... easy to grab on our way out the door to the park. And, i try to have teddy grams and ritz bitz and granola bars as an easy grab on the way out the door... we do LOTS of pizza picnics at the park. And, POPSICLES GALORE-- yup. Between popsicles and pickles we keep our neighborhood hydrated. Our other neighbor has a fridge in her garage stocked with kid-drinks... i just have cups and a water machine...

oh. i LOVE summer! so, what are your SUMMER plans? any hero ideas??
I heard, but don't know for sure, that Sea World in San Antonio is really cheap right now. It's still close enough to drive...
I have a friend that bought season passes. They are planning a long trip and one weekend trip this summer and then another over cmas or spring break.
Um, I think I will pirate most of your plans--love them!!! I definitely need to plan, or it is going to be one long horrible summer... instead of an awesome one. Thanks for motivating me!
Where did you get your graphics for your schedule, they are so cute. Are they stickers? Great ideas! The best is defintely summer reading at the library. Do love those Summer Bridge Activity books. They are great. When you go to Idaho you have to stop by and see us.
graphics are from microsoft office online FREE clip art. i can email you the file if you want, just let me know your email address... and, for sure we'll stop by with our GANG!!
Jen you inspire me!! I want to do all that great stuff. I love that schedule too... would you send me the file as well? victoria.c.gilbert@gmail.com.
Also, what does the "no screens" mean with the arrows? No TV, computers, etc?
yup. no screens means no tv, no computer, no gameboy, etc. we have no screen mornings and sometimes no screen days... and, my favorite big kid punishment is no screens... no screens forces the kids to play with real toys or to go outside. it's a win-win situation. love it.
Hey Jenifer, great post! Thanks for the insight on how you plan your summers.
I love your schedule you made for them, was that an enrichment craft with a tutorial or anything? I want to do something like that with Ethan, just a daily schedule (breakfast, brush hair, make bed, read scriptures). Otherwise we both end up watching cartoons (me on the computer) in our pj's for much too long!
hey jenifer... friend of the gee's and Todd's. (Tell him hello from Heather Price from sugar city). I'm the Heather who made the triple quote you have on the side bar. I'm so glad you liked it! :)
I found your blog through Shelley. Anyhoo... just wanted to say I love your summer plans. I was just trying to come up with some ideas to make it a neat and organized summer. I may use some of your ideas, especially the theme of Heroes. I love it!
And I'm glad to hear those books from Costco are good ones. I saw those but wasn't sure. Thanks for the tip.
I also really need to do 'no screen' days or mornings. Tv and computer start driving me bonkers.
so yeah - sorry for being a blog stalker, but I just wanted to say it's fun to see Todd's family. You guys seem to have a lot of fun. Good luck this summer with all the kiddos.
sorry for the longest comment ever! oops.
oh - and also... I love these super hero capes...
My kids are still pretty small so I was thinking of making some fun ones similar to those.
Yes please send the graphics my way. carrie@marrotts.net Let us know when you come through we will plan something.
Yes please send the graphics my way. carrie@marrotts.net Let us know when you come through we will plan something.
Blog stalker II, I'm Heather's sister Amy (from Sugar City, back in the day!) and 2 things real quick--we have used the Summer Activities books several times and LOVE them. My favorite thing in the back of the middle school grade ones was "Character Education" and I saved the lessons from those for future reference--very good.
Ok, and honestly if you live even near San Antonio, Sea World is sooo fun. Alone with 7 kids, maybe not so much, but the water park is a blast and the shows are fun to see time after time. We moved away from there 3 summers ago and my daughter just reminded me of how cool the dolphin shows (and all of them) were. That's all--love your theme!
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