June 06, 2009

wish i was paintin'...

don't you want a chalkboard pantry door?? i do!! i need one.
Melissa at 320 sycamore is having a paint party... there are lots of links to people sharing their favorite paint colors.
My pictures are all from Country Living...
I just want to show you that i REALLY, REALLY want to paint everyting in my house WHITE.
yup. beds, cabinets, armoires... EVERYTHING. i do HATE painting and furniture is way worse than walls. AND, we're moving in a year-- so i feel like i'd be dumb to paint my cabinets.
But, i LOVE, LOVE white.
I like white because you can pick a fun accent color and it really POPS when everything else is white. PLUS, everything looks happy and clean and cheery... well, clean UNTIL my kids wipe their dirty hands all over them... ohhhhh. i want to paint stuff white today.
FIRST, i'm going to finish putting my laundry away.
THEN, i'm going to clean up my whirlwind of a craft room.
and, maybe on MONDAY... (when Todd is back from his trip...)
just wait till then.
i can do it...
trail ride, not bull ride...
the professor would LOVE for me to start painting cabinets while he is gone...
i mean, at least it's not buying anything living? right?
climb mt fuji
little snail
but, slowly, slowly.
i think i'm dying because i haven't made ANYTHING in a very, very long time.
my right-brain is dying...
i NEED to paint.
ok. monday. ;) (maybe...)
and then... i'll make this quilt from red pepper quilts

won't this look good in my mostly white living room???

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

White is the best! I love, love that second kitchen picture--white cabinets with the great blue and white tiles!!
I know that everyone thinks I am boring or lazy with the white background on my blog, but honestly, the picture just look funner to me when they are on a white backgroud so you can really notice the color I work so hard to put into my world.
Happy painting--wish I lived close so we could join forces!!

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