Jakob, holding a big knife, while he was putting away dishes after school one day...
"Mom, if a robber came, and I needed to defend you with a sword fight, I'd use THIS knife."

Jakob got in trouble cause he went out to play before his dishwasher was empty. He said he thought the dishes were still dirty. I told him that if the dishwasher is locked when he goes to unload, it's clean. He said, in his best ever "hope I don't get in trouble" voice.
"Ok Mom, Thanks for teaching me. Now I know a little more about how a dishwasher operates."
And... this isn't THAT funny-- except to the Professor. See... there are very few things that we have a long standing disagreement on. The dishwasher is one of them. The Professor thinks that there is a BEST way to load a dishwasher... I don't really care... I just put the dishes in. He has tried on many occasions to TEACH me the best way to load a dishwasher and i successfully ignore him. So, he is constantly re-arranging my dishwasher. He really hates when I do the dishes, so he is quick to volunteer to do the job... and I'm just fine with that. But, he was out of town last week. The afternoon he got home, Jakob was unloading and said...
"Mom, I really think something is wrong with this dishwasher. Did it break or something? I mean, for the past three days the dishes are still dirty when I go to put them away." The professor laughed out loud in the background.

Drew, not too excited about his Saturday job to sort the videos and dvds...
"I'm just not good at putting away videos. And, I don't want to practice cause I'm not planning on being a video guy when I grow up."
We encourage our kids to fast two meals once a month, Drew wasn't too excited about that today. He announced at around 10am when he was ready to eat,
"Today, I'm fasting for one meal. That's it. And, including night time, I've already fasted like eight hours. Don't you think eight hours is better than nothing mom?"
Drew, in trouble for not taking out the trash when he was asked even though he was helping Leah when I caught up with him,
"See, I ALWAYS get in trouble for trying to do the right thing. Everytime I'm trying to do a good deed, BAM, in trouble."
Drew, after I asked him to lower his voice and be careful NOT to be sassy.
"Mom. Can I ask you a question? Do you want to live in a world with no exclamation points? I am not trying to be sassy, I'm just using exclamations!" I explained that he can say the same thing with a different tone and it wouldn't be sassy.
"See! Just like I thought! You just want a whole house of periods!!!" 
I really need to pay attention to Anna's funny things next week. She is funny, but mainly because she reports what everyone else says that's funny. She and I laugh so hard together at Leah's funny stuff, and Junie B. Jones. Oh, bedtime is a hoot when we read Junie B. Jones together and Anna replays every funny line. Plus, this week she was sick... poopy, pukey sick. So, I do have some good one-liners, but they're a little too smelly for the blog. Anna's quotes are whimsical...
When she was pulling taffy she said,
"Mom, imagine if we just kept pulling and pulling and it just kept getting bigger and bigger in our hands. Wouldn't that be wonderful?" I need to read her that book... is it Strega Nona or something like that?
She came into our room this morning with one of our favorite classic nursery rhyme books in her hand... she says, do you notice what this is... then she proceeded to sing us the second verse of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star in her best voice.
"Did you even know that song HAD a second verse?" Sweet Anna.

Ellie, making laffy taffy on Friday night,
"Oh MOM! This is the BEST CANDY EVER MADE!!"
Ellie, helping me paint beds on Saturday morning,
"Wow Mom, you're really good at this. Maybe when you grow up your going to be the best-ever-bed-putter-together-er."
Ellie, after school, handing me a few papers that she has pulled from her Tuesday folder,
"Here mom, look at these. The rest are 100%'s."
Ellie has cowboy boots, but they're "wrinkly" at the top-- kinda pushed down... I FINALLY figured out why she had to wear her boot cut, diamond jeans every day with her boots.
"I HAVE to wear the jeans that go out at the bottom. No one can see the wrinkly part of my boots. If I have those jeans on they just think they go up straight to my knees."
Ellie, looking at costumes and FINALLY finding one she wanted to be...
"OK, I guess I'll be that tin woman." Oh, Ellie. (Actually, I think I can make her a cute tin woman... maybe not the exact tin woman that she has envisioned...) Oops... does this count as a big halloween reveal?

Leah, at lunch-
"I hate juice. I hate apple sauce. I hate all these stuff."
Leah, on Sunday morning,
"Mom, I like your cowboy boots. Who got them for you? Oh, you got them at the store, like Black Stallion? I really like black stallion!"
During Church, Leah wants to see the baby in front of us who is smiling at her. I whisper that she can SEE him from her seat. She says,
"No MOM. I want to PET him!"
During the closing song at church, Leah catches the eye of the Bishop on the stand and waves at him. He smiles and winks at her. She turns to me and shouts,
"See Mom, He's my friend!" She continued to wave through the whole song and everytime the Bishop smiled at her she told someone else...
When I pick her up after church, I always ask her if she was good in nursery. She always says with a big smile,
"No, I not! I hit that kid. I not share my toys. I hit him." I'm not sure if she really thinks she's bad, if she really is bad, or if she just thinks it's funny to tell me she's bad. I've talked to her teachers and they say she is good. Isn't it funny that she will ALWAYS tell me what a stink she's been.
Love these kids.
Love these moments.
Jen, those were so great. I can't believe that you remembered all of those. They were so fun to read, so fun to envision your kids saying them, so smarty, you know? Thanks for sharing. I especially loved the one about Drew and his exclamation points and periods...who thinks about that? It was extremely clever!
net-- i don't "remember" them. i jot them down on a sheet of paper all throughout the week.
thanks for reading... i know, isn't drew funny?!
HOw is it possible that we have the same life? Your hubby and the dishwasher??? I thought for sure I was the only one!!
Those are great!!!
I write things down on the calendar, too, so that I won't forget the funny things the kids say.
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