February 14, 2011

baby stuff 2...

NOTE-- Ok, i know you think i'm dumb. The truth is, I'm BORED. I'm trying NOT to do projects (although i did start crocheting a baby blanket), and i don't have money (we are into Dave Ramsey these days), and i have ONE MONTH till my baby is born... so, i'm a bit stir crazy.

And, one thing I'm LOVING... is WINDOW SHOPPING for all the things I would love to buy for this baby if i could. I'm not sure yet if this makes me MORE impatient or happier... :)
I'm posting them on this list, just because it's fun.
NOT BECAUSE i'm hoping that you will all buy this stuff for me.
HONESTLY, my baby will have EVERYTHING she could ever dream of.
We have a LOT of little girls and they are all perfectly content!!!
It's the MAMA that loves to window shop...
so, enjoy my baby wish list...
Babies are SO FUN!!

I found my favorite diaper bag... (isn't it cute?!)
JJ Cole Mode Diaper Tote bag-lemon posy $60 (it's cute huh?!)

JJ Cole Mode Diaper Tote Bag
And, this matching carseat cover...
JJ Cole Car Seat Cover- lemon posy $20

JJ Cole Car Seat Canopy
But, who can deny the old fashioned charm of this sweet teether?
i love it!
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe Teether- $17

Hah!  How did you like those 3 posts in one morning?!
And now, i'm off to the mall... to walk around and let my girls play in the play place.
And, i'm going to stop by my friends to pick up a small potty insert-- because I'm going to start potty training lily.
No, she probaby isn't ready...  but, I NEED SOMETHING TO DO (besides dinner and laundry)- to keep me from going CRAZY waiting for this baby.
seriously, i'm pathetic.

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