Todd turned 35 last week and I had another moment...
After his birthday dinner (Carol Thompson's Casserole) and birthday pie (no-bake cheesecake) and opening presents (school clothes and a fish tank)... we danced.
Mmmm... I am completely in love with this man. We have six kids, have been married 11? years and I still get all
tingly when he spins me around the room to a Disney princess
After he danced with me, dipped me and kissed me long enough for our audience to erupt in giggles, he danced with each of his daughters (and sons if the truth be told). We taught the boys a few fancy moves and they practiced whipping their sisters into spins and dips... and, of course the evening ended in a pile of tickles.
Anyway, it was the daughter dances that touched my heart. Maybe because I never had a dancing dad when I was growing up. Maybe because we have a friend, father of 4 small kids, who just died in
Iraq this weekend. Maybe because I'm nursing and hormonal. Maybe because good fathers are so rare nowadays...
But, I just watched my sweet babies in their father's arms and I felt again how blessed we are. Todd is an adorable dad... he's especially cute with his little girls. He can sing all the words to all the princess songs. He can coax the girls into almost any outfit by telling them sweetly how beautiful they look. He can even do pigtails (almost). I've heard it said that girls look for husbands like their fathers... and, that children's relationship with God often mirrors their relationship with their fathers... I'm so grateful that my kids have such a great role model.
I joke about Todd a lot (it is funny when he says Howdy at the grocery store), but the truth is He is AMAZING. I love being "yoked" together with him forever... I had no idea that marriage could be so fun.
Here are a few things that I love about Todd that don't involve our children.
1. He always makes the bed, even though he doesn't move in his sleep and I am a night-time
gorilla, tossing and turning and ripping the covers out from under the mattress almost nightly. (I seriously can't wear nightgowns because I would strangle myself).
2. He loves to go out on dates, and he makes sure we go out for a lunch date at least once a week.
3. He loves quilts... or at least he makes me think he does. Honestly, he always makes me feel like I'm amazing.
4. Even PTA... he's not bitter when I volunteer for one more thing-- he said, "Jen, I'm so proud of you. You're going to learn so much doing PTA." Seriously, could you find another guy that is so supportive?
5. Have you ever hugged this guy? It's perfect. We just fit together very nicely...
[Todd says this one is weird... he asked what I would say if someone replied... "You're right! I have hugged Todd and it was really great..." He's a dork...]
6. Todd is NICE. Although sometimes it drives me crazy, he can see nice intentions in anyone e
lse's behavior. I know that I can bring any frustration to him and completely thaw my disgust. Sometimes I have to enjoy my contempt with a girlfriend before I talk to Todd about it, he just melts any stressful situation.
8. We are always talking... all day we're connected. He knows my details and he tells me his details. I think this keeps us friends and I love it...
9. He cooks and cleans and let's me take naps and he takes the kids to soccer games and practices... yeah, I know this wasn't supposed to be about kids.
10. He watches chick-flicks with me. And, when I used to go watch him play basketball, he would wave to me when I cheered. And, he smells so good in the morning as he heads off to school. And, he would rather listen to me cry and rant then have me be upset and quiet. And, he's funny... we still laugh all the time. And, he fills my car with gas. And, he likes that I can beat him when we play games. And, he doesn't care that I will never play trivial pursuit, chess or checkers with him because I can't beat him. And, he puts the toilet seat down. And, he can make gravy without lumps... who can do that? And, he doesn't say anything when I watch reality
TV... well, this is a taught behavior. He makes me feel pretty even when I'm huge pregnant (Do you know he told me that he was going to miss my belly?). And, when I'm earth momma at the end of the day... he still tries to make-out with me while I'm cooking dinner.
Overall, I try to make our life seem fairly normal and give a real-life perspective. And sometimes I don't say the good things enough. Todd, he's a good thing. I'm so excited that he's mine for eternity!! Love him...
Well Jen, I hate to tell you this, but Todd gave me a hug once and he really was a good hugger! :D
Thanks for the reminder that "they" do exist. I love your words. You can always make me laugh, too. Hopefully I can teach Eli and Maggie these values. Their ability for discernment is one of my most frequent prayers!
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