OK- I think there is a stage of life that most kids go through when they feel an intense desire to mark their territory. Boys use bodily fluids (Todd is in the bathroom one day when an un-named boy child walks in and pees on the bath mat. Todd asks, "What are you doing?" To which the un-named boy child replies, "Oh Dad, sometimes I do that." ??!!!???)... And, girls use writing utensils (which can include scratching with fingernails on a leather couch, toothpaste on a mirror, or sharpie on a door).
If you have exceptionionally bright children, like my own, they will employ two above-average tactics.
1. Be sure that you take a picture of your sister in the act of destruction so there will be no doubt who to blame.
2. Be sure that you boldly express your love to those most likely to be inflicting consequences for your deviance.
Yeah, this artwork was created during our garage sale on Saturday... thankfully it was a washable white board sharpie-- not permanent. And, we LOVE Magic Erasers...
AWESOME! Jaicie did this one day. Only she used Sharpie all over my dresser, desk, and then Felicity did it with a sharpie on her wall. Jaicie wrote her name and Felicity's name on the door one day too, and then tried to say she didn't do it. It was lovely! At least it came off the door! :)
Craziness! Right after we moved into our new house in Ammon, Ellie took a black sharpie and wrote on the front of all of my cupboard doors. I was horrified, but thank heavens that dry Comet, rubbed on the marker with my finger took it out! The marking his territory definitely sounds like a boy thing. I am just grateful that we have a barn in which to mark!
You do have exceptional bright children and a unconditional loving mom!
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