yes. i can ride the bull. take the cow by the horns. i last 8 seconds with the worst of em.
in my 20's i learned to smile so i don't scream, to breathe so i don't boil over. i was granted patience, understanding and perspective.
most days i can calm the storm... find the socks, snap the pants, fix the hair, call a time-out... mine is a life of clothing the naked, healing the sick, cleansing the dirty, forgiving the unrepentant, finding the lost, gathering the scattered, ordering the
unruly and making peace of chaos.
i'm a bit addicted to the
adrenaline rush that i get accomplishing a task that some say can't be done... like going grocery shopping with 6 kids. when things get crazy- i cowboy up. the key to bull riding... hold on tight, keep your head up and your heals dug in, and above all-- enjoy the ride. you can do anything for 8 seconds... (and even bulls sleep.)
i'm good at riding bull, but
i'm a
sucky cowboy... the long cow rides (yes. i know all about them from City Slickers.)
surviving chaos is not the same as
avoiding chaos. my mother-in-law, she's the best cowboy i know... she doesn't get saddle sore from days and nights in the seat... she's got a gentle, easy lope. my mare is ALWAYS bucking. i can last for 8 seconds... she's learned the art of riding into the sunset. my home is lovely- every third day. my laundry is washed, dried, folded and put away- maybe once a month (washed, dried, folded and put into baskets- once a week) i have magical moments. i want peaceful years.
i'm tired of riding the roller coaster of life- i want to ride the train. (well, i would be happy with the log ride.) i can cook a mean dinner in under 30 minutes.
i'm sick of quickies... i want dessert.
i'm dedicating this decade to the pursuit of the trail ride.
it's funny.
i've been thinking of this analogy for a long time, but it wasn't until i wrote it out that i realized how much fun
i'm having riding bull, and how boring a life of trail rides sounds.
i'm not sure that
i'll ever be
vanna white. maybe i should just enjoy being ZORRO.
maybe the only difference between a young bull rider and a seasoned trail rider is age. maybe
i'll get there someday. maybe when i find myself riding trails,
i'll be telling stories of my rodeo years with pride.
till then, i guess
i'll keep holding on tight, digging in my heals, and enjoying the ride.
Yeee Haw!
Hey Jen, just get on the back of Todd's saddle & hold on. He is quite the bronc rider as we all know!
ok, Jen...you need to write a book. Have you ever thought about that before? Your style is so fun to read. Not only fun, but insightful. Love it.
Yee Haw! I'll ride with you! My sister teasha just showed up for a visit. I'll call ya when I get a minute - Lots of new ideas to run by you!
I agree with Lanette!
I know EXACTLY what you mean. Although sometimes I seem to get bucked off a little more often than others. Practice makes perfect, though, right?
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