Although we'd been talking about it for days, weeks, even months, it was in the heat of the moment that Todd just made a decision to push send. Actually, i didn't even know what happened till the morning, and by then it was too late. (I think we were both a little high, on tax return.)
Luckily, my delivery date is only 9 days away, well 2-9 days. it's definitely a boy, but we're not sure of his name yet. We're considering W. after his godfather, or OBAMA after Todd's side of the family.
I haven't actually thrown up, but i have been feeling queasy.
excited and scared.
What if i don't feel that bond the first time i hold him?
I took classes in high school, but that was so long ago.
I feel like a first-time mommy all over again. I even checked out library books.
Luckily, unlike my last babies...
this one comes with a 14 day return policy.
pray for us.
and please, don't judge.

You've always been good with babies. And a return policy! awesome.
You'll love it.
Hey Jen, I was blog hopping, and found your super cute, and very fun blog! We took the plunge last summer and bought a Nikon too! I LOVE IT! It goes EVERYWHERE with me! Since then, I have picked the brain of amature photogs, and took 2 peices of advice... 1) read the manual front to back (several times) 2) Don't shoot in auto. Flip that bad boy right into manual, and GO TO TOWN! 3) For $80.00 you can get a great lense. Its called a 50mm Fixed lense. You have to focus it yourself, but it is soooo cool! So, I guess I took 3 peices of advice. Good luck with it, and I can't wait to see pictures from it!!!
Don't ever do that again! You SCARED ME!!!
i'm still giggling... SO FUN!
Geez girl you had me going! Congratulations on your new (almost) arrival :) I hope that one day we can welcome a bouncing baby Nikon into our family. :)
ps. guess who just got called to be in the primary presidency of our huge huge ward? Yup.
oh my crapola...I was like...our little babies are the same stinkin age, 5 months old! Congrats on the new camera, can't wait to see some pictures!
How exciting--I love new arrivals! (That post is AWESOME--love the analogy, and the heart stopping moment for me before I figured out you were expecting a Nikon.) Anyhow, congrats in advance--hopefully you won't need a blood tranfusion before he comes...:-)
Ok so Brian, Matt and Dara just got in town and the whole fam is all sitting around the family room reminiscing and laughing (while I blog from the corner and tell about all the cool stuff I read) Then I get to your blog and read out loud that you are pregnant. Everyone is so surprised so I read aloud to everyone. -then when I got to the "push send" part they all yelled for me to stop reading and said "She put this on the internet?!" It took us all awhile to figure out that it was a camera. We were all laughing so hard! Then we talked about how great of a mom you are and how we love and miss you.
You are so creative. You had me going for sure. It must be the late hour beause I was ready to send a comment congratulating you on your new arrival. Don't laugh, but I had to read the arrival date twice to get what you were saying. Matt and I have been looking at Nikon's too. We were hoping to use the $$ from the Obama stimulus plan until they changed how we will recieve it. Bummer!! You'll have to let me know what you think of yours. Take care and give your kids hugs from MI.
Yep, we were definitely confused. The 'push send' put Casey & I both over the edge. And really Jen, push send, eewwww! I gotta say very creative!
yeah. sorry. I can't help myself, these analogies just jump out when I start to write. I'll have to hire and editor for my sweet Idaho relatives...
in camera's Todd can decide... with babies, we're a bit more unified and prayerful! hee hee.
in "cameras" no apostraphe? with cameras... oh i don't know. see... i need an editor...
yeah. i don't want to finish folding my laundry, so i'm having fun adding comments to my own blog. i know i'm going to be excited to see 13 comments later. wow. much more productive than laundry. kinda.
and, i'm glad Jason's with Molly. I just know it's eternal. Well, i hope so anyway. that's why i like the bachelor... it's real life. :)yup. my name's jenifer moss and i'm a crap-tv-aholic.... i give it up again and again, but some nights it just calls to me.
So had me going there and I actually thought you were going to have another baby. A human one. Congrats on the new camera! I just got one about a month ago only mine is a Canon. Lots of fun.
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