but, they're too expensive and they don't last a long time.
as part of Todd's sweet valentine's weekend,
he picked up this Loreal French tip 130 and base coat 100.
we looked on You Tube for french manicure instructions and he said he would do my nails--
(i think he was a bit jealous of the guy that did my hairy leg pedicure.)
Actually, it wasn't hard to do at all.
(I'm better than Todd even on my left hand.)
The French tip white has a brush in it that is slanted, so it's easy to paint the tip of your nails.
And, it dries fast and is very tough once it dries--
When I wanted to re-do my nails after a week, I had a hard time getting the white off with regular nail polish and had to use the 100% acetone that Todd had picked up.
I also love the pink base coat stuff...
i painted a couple coats over my nails after i did the white part and it dries really fast and isn't too thick, and it doesn't bubble up... have you ever had the kind that bubbles?
i even did my girls' nails on Sunday afternoon.
my nails are usually short and nasty.
now, i feel happy every time i catch a glance at my salon-looking nails.
love it.
Ooo la la, indeed! I am actually considering going out & buying the stuff myself after your great advertising. Your nails look fabulous! "How does she do it?! Her husband is in school, she has 6 kids, she's PTA pres.... and she still finds time to go to the salon?!" I can just imagine the comments... :-)
Good job Jen!!! I always get the bubbles, the sticky part, the smearing part on every piece of clothing I have...anyway, next time I want to get my nails done, I know who to call!!!
I love to type on the computer after i do my nails - i guess i like to see them in motion.? so, Derid had a successful 2 days in Lubbock last week! The orthodontist had derid stay at his house (and it was pretty quick), so that's why we didn't contact you guys.- But We are both going to come out sometime in the next couple months and we definitely will want to connect with you then (come to church with you...). i will keep in touch.
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