um. guess what?
scampers is dead.
no, i didn't touch him, but he was making this weird noise and now he's not,
he's just laying on his side with his eyes open.
and, his sweet wife and sister, Snow, is making that weird noise.
she's not looking too good.
am i committing murder by blogging right now and not rushing snow to the bunny emergency room?
i think it's my fault.
please, don't tell the kids.
i, um, used a cat
de-flea thing on them. some liquid stuff that you put on cat's necks. i think they got fleas, because there were little black bugs on them, and i can't stand that, and i didn't know what to do, so i bought a package at
wal-mart and put it on them. i didn't ever see a sign that said "not for rabbits." and,
wal-mart didn't make a
rabbit de-flea thing... so,
i think i may have killed them.
oh, i sure wish i had waited a bit to check on them.
it sucks knowing that Snow is probably, most
definitely, suffering right now.
i called the professor.
3 times.
it's the emergency signal that we have.
he is in the middle of final presentations.
can you blame me?
this IS an emergency.
it's death.
if death isn't an emergency than i don't know what is.
i'm NOT touching that thing.
it may be my job to buy the animals, but it is definitely NOT my job to
bury them.
i googled what to do with dead rabbits and one lady had this idea...
"Put it in a double garbage bag and toss it in your freezer. Then next week before the garbage is picked up put it in there."
be careful if you come over for dinner sometime soon...
we may be having rabbit.
oh, poor, poor bunnies.
now, maybe we need a porcupine...
or some cute prairie dogs.
oh, crap.
anna just figured out snow isn't doing well, and she's crying.
i guess i am going to have to call the vet.
love it.
update-- the vet said it was probably more heat than flea related. we have snow inside under a cool rag... she's looking a bit better. when i went outside, anna was HOLDING scampers and crying. GROSS! a stiff, dead, rabbit. i couldn't even take a picture because it was SO nasty. ugghh. oh, what a day.