2009-2010 School year...

breakfast at home with the gang...

Ellie, first grade, Ms. Teague

anna, second grade, Mrs. Payne...

drew, 4th grade, Mrs. Alexander

jakob, 5th grade, Mrs. Kittley
so.. today was the end of their vacation and the beginning of mine.
i love our school.
i love their sweet teachers
really, love them....
and, except for jakob, every one of my kids are in a class with a teacher who has had one of their siblings. it's so fun that they get to see just how similar and how different my kids are.
this is going to be a GREAT year.
and... i think i'll love the quiet life at home.
next week.
AFTER i'm finished playing catch-up.
today was NOT restful, it was catch-up full.
For family night Todd gave each of the kids
Back to School blessings. They were so sweet. I take notes as he prays, and type them up so the kids can refer back to them throughout the year. I really want to start a
"lesson's we're learning" binder where I can keep a record of the little ways that we see God's hand in our lives... starting with these blessings. It was a great way to start our new year.

i have so much to tell you about my trip... it was GLORIOUS. seriously... why don't we do things like this more? I mean... you are NOT qualified to work as a mother unless you take at least one refresher course a year. :) And, although the classes i attended were amazing and inspiring and helpful... I'm certain that just having the evenings ALONE to pray and ponder and study and set goals and plan out my year... just this, has made all the difference. It's like I'm starting the year with a full tank. and, although this summer was lots of fun... i'm afraid by the end i was running on fumes. Trust me... I'm definitly home and in 5th gear. I'm loving my life... taking time to sing itsy bitsy spider and so ready for tomorrow.
my advice... JUST DO IT. pretend your appendix has ruptured and you need to spend a weekend in the hospital... rent a room, be alone, and REST... because, if you don't... you may actually end up in the hospital with a burst appendix.
so today was a welcome home and a go forth... both were necessary and great.
life is really good. no?!
Wow! I am so happy for you and your great fill-'er-up time!
Wish I could have gone with you!!
You guys are going to have a great year!
Lucky, lucky you--I'm so thrilled that you got that (much needed!) time away to re-charge. I think I need to have my own professor read this post...
And is it just me, or didn't Ellie JUST have Ms. Teague last year?!? How fun is THAT? :-)
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