i know. it's late and i need to take a few minutes to read, write in my journal, and spend some time with my husband.
BUT, i just had to write this post...
about turkey legs.
SERIOUSLY. Have you ever eaten one?
i'm a
i like meat.
i like veggies too... a lot.
i think i could be a good vegetarian.
and, turkey legs might just put me over the edge.
They are gruesome.
Grisly and
tough... you really have to gnarl into the flesh to eat them.
The meat is dark... kinda reddish... and full of ligaments and stuff.
as you eat, you really feel like a barbarian tearing the flesh off your prey.
It was good... don't get me wrong...
but, so... fleshy and barbaric.
tofu... it's so peaceful.
it just slides down.
no ripping, no tendons, no images of scary attacking turkeys defending their young as scary men with axes try to chop off their neck.
but seriously... eating that turkey leg has really had an impact on me.
Nice, Jen. Maybe I'll join you in that vegetarian idea, because the turkey leg sounds GROSS.
Uh-oh. You've taken your first step to the "other" side. (insert evil grin) Welcome.
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