everyone loves big green frogs (not to mention old guys with a fo-hawk and go-tee)!!
October 30, 2009
hmmm... how about indiana?
everyone loves big green frogs (not to mention old guys with a fo-hawk and go-tee)!!
October 25, 2009
October 24, 2009
creepy things going on...
i've been trying to make a blog header forever and i couldn't figure it out.
this time i just imported a picture into www.picnik.com and played with it... it's all free and it's FABULOUS!
when i went to SAVE the picture it has a place where it says the size... if i changed the pixels to 1175 width it automatically converted the height and when i entered it into my blog it was the right size.
(i didn't click shrink to fit and i did click use my picture instead of the blog title.)
seriously, i really don't know what i'm doing i do a lot of trial and error... but, give it a try.
i converted my blog to minima stretch.
it didn't mess up my past blogs at all, the only thing it messed up was my blog header and my background didn't work any more.
but... it's fun trying new things.
so, go ahead and give it a try.
and, enjoy our new halloween header.
(the extra kid is Justin, my nephew who spend the summer with us. he's not with us anymore, but the picture was from the summer...)
happy days!
ODD NOTE- so, if I have my blog header 1175, it fits the box, when I see my blog with Mozilla Firefox search engine. If I use internet explorer, my picture seems too big, unless it's at 1000. So, now i have it at 1000... when you look at my blog header, does it fit the box, or can you see white spaces on the side?
sweet notes from my kids...

October 23, 2009
things i've learned...

October 19, 2009
step-aerobics, carpet cleaning and water skiing... UPDATED

Because, this morning i took a step-aerobics class, and i am HORRIBLE.
like, stopping, tripping, laughing, horrible.
and, even though i couldn't even do what they did, i was still exhausted.
honestly, i'm an aerobic instructor's nightmare.
i was dying and then my friend said, "Good job, you made it through the warm-up."
i FAILED aerobics in college.
for real.
I got an E. isn't that worse than an F?
I took aerobics 6am, everyday, my first semester at BYU.
grand intentions... the spirit was willing but the flesh was weak.
and, we were graded on skill... like, how far past your toes you could touch.
um. E.
So, it's like i'm getting a second chance.
And, part of me wants to stick with it and see if i can pick it up.
i'll tell you one of my regrets in life. you see, i never really tried when i was in school. things came easy to me, and i skated through. i was ok with ok grades. i took a lot of credits, graduated early and had over a 3.0 GPA... but I know that I never really tried. i NEVER read my text books. i slept through many of my lectures. i used cliff notes. i crammed and then did pretty good on my test. as a young child, i never stuck with anything. i dropped violin, i dropped track, i was on the swim team and i took gymnastics for a few years, then stopped. (i could never do a cartwheel.) i asked my mom once why she didn't make me stick with anything when i was growing up. she said, "Well honey, you weren't good."
so... this is my current delima.
do i stick with this step class that is TOTALLY not in my talent area... hoping that i will improve. or, do i accept my lack of coordination and stick with the tredmill?
i've always wondered what i could have been IF i tried.
i HAVE tried hard at being a good mom and wife and a homemaker. the mother part came naturally to me, but the wife and homemaker part has taken my best effort.
and now, i want to try to be good at exercising. i've never had to exercise before, so now, i'm 32 and my metabolism is changing, and i really want to figure out how to loose a few pounds.
i decided to give up sugar... treats and stuff. and so i started today. i didn't even take a treat that my new step-aerobics teacher offered at the end of class. but, when i was cooking dinner, i had this whole pan of apple bars just sitting on the counter, and i ate a small, small piece. And then, i ate another small, small piece. And now, i'm 0 for 1 on my new No Sugar Diet.
See... i'm a dropout. (but, i DIDN'T eat oreos after my kids went to bed tonight.... and it was hard, very hard not to.)
i've been wanting to clean my carperts for a couple of weeks now.
by the time i get them all picked up and vacuumed, it's time for the kids to get home from school and i always talk myself out of it... planning of course to just do it tomorrow. And that has happened for 2 weeks now. So, this afternoon it was seriously 30 minutes before the kids came home and i was determined to clean my carpets. i picked up, vacuumed and filled my little bissel with water and went to work. only, it didn't work. the cleaner would spray out water, but it wasn't sucking anything up. i turned it over, i used a screwdriver to open up the belt part and i couldn't figure it out. by now, all the kids were home, the carpets were all wet and messy, and i was SOO frustrated. i called the professor and he asked me dumb questions like is it plugged in and is the button switched for carpets. i was snotty. finally, he asked what i would like him to do. and, i told him, i want you to come home and RESCUE me from my mess.
he came home and with a sweet smile told me i just needed to put the lid on the water container and then it would work. seriously.
i wish that i could have just figured that out on my own.
but, if i can't ride on my own yet... i choose the professor for my tandem partner.
or lifeguard, whatever analogy you prefer.
[i'll tell you, when i saw him washing my carpets i loved him 100 times more than i did the day i married him...]

if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
here's my new life analogy (i came up with this while i was vacuuming...)
life is like Water Skiing...
There are times that you are up and looking good, and times that you are in the water.
Getting up is the hardest.
When you look around you, everyone else seems to be skiing beautifully.
But, no one can ski forever... Everyone spends time in the water with a wedgie.
So, now, i don't think i'm a looser during the times i'm struggling to get my skis underneath me.
And, i'll try to enjoy the moments that i'm skiing.
And... today, I'm going to remember that practice makes perfect.
and that
"That which we persist in doing becomes easier. Not that the task itself has become easier, But that our ability to perform it has improved." Ralf Waldo Emmerson
and tomorrow,
i may just be an step-aerobic, water skiing, carpet cleaning, bull-riding, wonder of a woman!!
(or, i may just decide to forget about step-aerobics and eat another dang apple bar.
either way, life is good.)

October 17, 2009
what's for breakfast? crepes

Crepes… ohhhh Crepes!!
SUPER easy, HEALTHY, and SOOOO good!
This is the recipe that I use… (always doubled)
1 cup flour (I use whole wheat)
2 eggs
½ cup milk
½ cup water
2 Tb melted butter
Powdered sugar (optional if you want to make them sweeter).
Mix it all together.
Heat up your frying pan and spray it with non-stick cooking spray.
(Don’t use butter because it burns really fast and makes the crepes blackish on the bottom.)
Put about ¼ cup of the batter in the pan and tilt the pan a bit to make the crepe larger.
Then just wait, the edges will get all cooked and they are VERY EASY to flip.
I usually chop up some apples and fry them in a different frying pan with some juice or concentrate, cinnamon, nutmeg and powdered sugar.
And, I cut up some fresh strawberries, if we have them, at drizzle them with sugar so they get saucy. MMMMMM.
And, we LOVE whip cream. Either homemade or from the spray bottle.
This is probably our FAVORITE Sunday morning tradition.
Try em… You’ll be changed forever.
happy birthday chad!
October 16, 2009
what's for dinner? nachos!!
Under Construction
We had planned a quiet and romantic getaway,
Leave the kids with grandma, be alone for just a day,
But as we arrived for check-in at our local hotel,
And looked around the lobby, how our eager faces fell:
The sound of pounding hammers echoed through unpainted walls
Scaffolding and drop-cloth littered up unfinished halls
The restaurant was closed, room service "limited," it said,
And a scribbled cardboard sign next to the front desk read:
"Please excuse our mess, we're under construction;
We know it's awful inconvenient, but it's true.
The builders are working hard each day,
To make things better in every way,
And when all of this remodeling is through,
We'll be even better set for serving you."
Lately I've been thinking back a lot to that hotel,
Because, you see, for awhile I've not been doing very well.
Everything seems unfamiliar, everything seems strange;
Everything inside me seems to be getting rearranged;
Old walls I prized and thought I needed now have been knocked down;
New sections have been added, my whole floor plan has been turned around;
And through the dust and disarray, the thought has crossed my mind,
That maybe I should start to wear a little cardboard sign, saying:
"Please excuse my mess, I'm under construction;
I know it's awful inconvenient, but it's true.
The Builder is working hard each day,
To make things better in every way,
And when all of this remodeling is through,
I'll be even better set for serving you."
There's a certain Carpenter, a master in His skill;
Day by day, he does his work, you see.
I'd be perfectly content to stay a little cottage forever.
But He's got plans to make a shining palace out of me.
That He can live in...
So, please excuse my mess: I'm under construction.
It's not really of my choosing, but it's true;
The Builder is working hard each day,
To make things better in every way,
And when all of this remodeling is through,
I'll be even better set for serving Him... and you.
when this place of reconstruction work is through.
C.S Lewis said,
"Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on: you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently he starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of--throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were going to be made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself."
[C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity, 174; book 4, chapter 9, paragraph 10]
Love it. Because it's true... we all need a sign!!
Seriously, I want to make this sign for my girl's room...
wouldn't that be cute?
"Please excuse my mess, I'm UNDER CONSTRUCTION!"
the construction phases... NORMAL.
the estimated completion date... ETERNITY.
people who don't struggle... IMAGINARY.
the attitude we have during remodeling... OUR CHOICE!!
I'm washing lots and lots of laundry...
cleaning my carpets (I hope)...
nursing a feverish husband and toddler...
I'm choosing Happily Ever After.
Depression- edited

October 15, 2009
family night... taffy

Old Fashioned Taffy Pull
Just because.
I spent $1.75 on cherry flavoring.
Everything else we had.
A bit of a mess… but SO FUN.