October 31, 2008
October 30, 2008
indian summers...

October 29, 2008
an end and two beginnings...

October 28, 2008
October 27, 2008
political laughs...
alien slime...

October 26, 2008
October 25, 2008
October 23, 2008
kid-sized caramel apples...

October 21, 2008
is this how brittney started out?

NOTE TO MY MOTHER (and any social worker who are reading this blog)- It was just once that Ellie came home and announced with triumph-- "Guess what Mom? I didn't wear panties all day at school!!" I panicked a bit because she had worn a dress to school that day. Luckily, she did have shorts on under her dress. Anna tried the same stunt the next day, but a wise father had a panties check on the way out the door. It wasn't as funny the second time. :)
[OK- confession #1... The Professor thinks it is important to note that once (two years ago) we did get a call from Anna's preschool teacher saying that she wasn't wearing panties. That time she was in a skirt without shorts on... we did find the panties hiding in the corner of the school bathroom. I guess the moral of the story is you never quite know what us Moss's have on underneath...]
[OK-- confession #2... The day that Ellie went to school without panties, she was also wearing church shoes that were about 3 sizes too big for her (click, clack, click, clack)... Anna had traded shoes with another girl at church and we didn't realize it till the car ride home... these are the shoes that Ellie wore to school. I obviously was out of it that morning- Ellie completely missed all my checks. The Professor said he knew she had shoes on that were way too big, but he thought that I had approved it??!! Anyway, it was definitely one of those days... moments to remember!]
Yes, my kids do write on the walls, poop on me and sneak out without panties... I write about these things so I can remember them. But, I will also add that all four of them have gotten straight A's on every single report card they've ever gotten (except Anna did get an 89 in English this last marking period as her brothers are quick to point out). They all get Principal's Awards for citizenship and behavior and they are all in GT. Plus, Jakob (age 9) made a complete pancake dinner (from scratch!!) the other night. They play the violin (anna) and the piano (jakob and drew) and the boys are cub scouts. Ellie made 5 goals at her soccer game last Saturday. They read young, they share well and they only occasionally try to kill one another. Overall, they are EXCEPTIONAL kids-- I'll take no panties every now and then.
enjoying the moment...

October 20, 2008
Lily's Blessing...

anna's talents..
October 17, 2008
something fishy... PG13

October 16, 2008
happy birthday honey...

October 14, 2008
the writing on the wall...

October 13, 2008
i think i can, i think i can...

October 12, 2008
October 11, 2008
because, i LOVE garage sales...

because, my friend Grey is moving and wanted to get rid of stuff...