December 09, 2010

organizing Christmas.

my brain is in my notebook.
for me, when life starts spinning, i need to take time to write down my thoughts.
Sometimes this happens at 11:30pm when i can't sleep because my brain is full.
i turn on the light, grab my pen, write down everything that i'm thinking of and then go to sleep.
it works.

i'm not good living in daily routine.
i like to plan special things.
especially at Christmas... i like to think about how i can help my kids feel joy from giving.
i want purposeful traditions.
and purposeful gifts.
i love so many people... my desire to give is greater than my bank account.
so, it takes thought and effort and planning.

Here are some things that we are planning...
just in case you are still swirling with ideas.
Note-- my Christmas tree is still in a box in my garage.
So, although I'm ready to wrap gifts... I'm a bit behind with decorating.
And, PLANS are not the same as ACTUALS... so, enjoy my plans...

1. Decorate.
Having watched talented women set up the nativity exhibit, i was inspired to bring more beauty to my home.  I did give myself a SMALL holiday budget ($15) to find some WHITE to add to my red and green Christmas stuff.  I bought some white and silver plastic glittery snowflakes that i'm planning on hanging from my entry way ceiling and from my chandelier in my dining room, and on my Christmas tree.  If I can find silver glitter around my house, I have some pine cones that I want to coat and hang from my tree... AND i bought a whole bunch of candy cane candies to make a wreath for my front door.  (These projects are my PLANS for this afternoon... we'll see how much i accomplish.)  Just thinking of ways to beautify my Christmas has brought joy to my life.  It's a shame I'm starting a few weeks behind...

2. Parties.
No, I don't LOVE Christmas parties... but, I do love people.  And so, my calendar is full.  I did RSVP to the PTA party and the Primary party and I have plans for bowling Christmas Eve morning and fun with friends on Christmas Eve.  I plan on spending next Thursday and Friday with my kids at school.  School parties are hard for me to do, with lots of kids and two toddlers.  But, I ALWAYS go.  I don't always STAY the whole time, but I always stay as long as I can so my kids know I'm there.  Someday I will be the room mother that is in charge of the party... but for now, I volunteer to bring food or prepare games at home.  It is nice not being in charge, because then I feel free to leave if it gets crazy and my toddlers are ready for their naps.  I love to invite friends over during the holidays.  This year I thought a kids New Year's Party (With 10pm as midnight) would be fun... but the professor was not so convinced.  We'll see... 

3. 12 days of Christmas.
We always pick families to give gifts to the 12 days before Christmas Eve.  (My kids pray about a family and they each choose one.)  Sometimes we make food. This year, I bought food and candy for almost every day.  12 days times 6 families is a lot.  I really keep it simple.  We just leave their treat on their porch with a tag that I've made that says "On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me... 12 swans a swimming." Or whatever it is for the 12th day.  I'll email them to you if you want.  We like to keep it SECRET so I even hate to tell you what we do, but it's my kids FAVORITE Christmas tradition.  We have LOTS of stories of running through the dark trying to escape the dad's who are trying to figure out who we are...  so fun.

4. Christmas Devotionals.
This year I bought a pine scented candle.  (They have perfect $1 candles at Ross.)  When we get home from 12 days of Christmas, we plan on having the kids get in their jammies while we make hot chocolate.  We want to read about Jesus each night while we drink hot chocolate and smell our pine candle.  The professor is currently finding our 12 scripture passages... i'm so excited about this tradition.  IF i'm not too cranky by bedtime.  And, NO my kids probably won't be bathing the 12 days before Christmas.  :)

5.  Neighbor Gifts.
We bought 48 wine bottles of sparkling cider.  This is what we give our friends and neighbors.
I make a little tag to tie to the bottles, and have my kids sing "We wish you a merry Christmas" when we drop them off at each door.

6.  Teacher Gifts.
I usually make something.  But looking back I sometimes cringe at the gifts I've given.  This year I bought a big box of chocolate turtles for each teacher.  I wish I could have done a gift certificate or something.  My favorite part of teacher gifts is always the card I have my kids write.  I just sit at the computer and have them tell me what to type.  It's quick and adorable with prompting.  I also have them wrap their own teacher gift.  I love that they feel like the gift comes from them.

7.  Christmas Cards.
i LOVE Christmas cards... and the long, silly letters that people send.  I love feeling close to friends and family even when we are far away.  Yes, we send 100 Christmas Cards.  Every year I dream of writing personal notes to each of my loved ones... and every year I send the same generic letter with my picture.  But, every address I write and every letter I seal is seriously sent with love.  It's worth the $44 in stamps that it costs us.
This year we're sending a card with our silly face picture (that is on my sidebar). I had not posted the best serious pose we had thinking I would use that on our card, but when it came down to it, i loved the silly faces best.  Such is life.  I always tell myself that i'm going to type in my list of addresses so I can just print them off... but i never do.  But, I do rip the return address off of the cards that people send me and stick them in a ziplock with the year written on it.  I save that bag in my Christmas stuff, and the next year I'm certain to send cards to the people who sent me a card.  I do use my address book to get other addresses, but I hate missing people and my ziplock works great for that.

7.  Dollar Store.
Every year we take our kids to the dollar store with a list and a pen.  Usually they have something like Mom, Dad, Grandma, and each of their brother's and sisters.  Sometimes we put a neighbor in as well.  They pick out a gift for each of them... costing a dollar.  We pay the bill.  They come home and have a wrapping party.  I LOVE THIS TRADITION.  This year we can't afford the $81 that is would cost, so we are putting the kids name in a bowl twice.  Each kid is picking two names from the bucket.  And, we'll give them each $3 to spend so they can pick one person to gift of their choice.  I know, it may sound dumb and cheap of us... but honestly, you can get good things at the dollar store.  And, it's a way my kids can give without it costing us too much money.  One night, one easily planned for expense, and a whole bunch of fun and suspense for the kids.  They LOVE it.

8. Gingerbread houses.
We always decorate gingerbread houses... made out of graham crackers.
I build the houses the night before with graham crackers and royal icing made with meringue powder.
(You can buy meringue powder with the Wilton stuff at Wal-mart.)
I buy LOTS of candy and put it in a veggie tray.
the kids each have a paper plate of candy and the professor and I do the icing.
it's quick, messy and fun. 

9. Free stuff.
I have a list of stuff to do during Christmas break.  Including visit the Planetarium, arrange a big dodge ball game at the church, take the kids on a tour of lights, have a family game night, have a family movie night, cut out snowflakes to tape to our windows, call a food shelter to see about volunteering (i know everybody tries to do this at Christmas time), visit elderly friends at our church, play werewolves and villagers one night...

10.  FOOD.
Yes, food is such a holiday thing.  I buy lots of eggnog and apple cider.  Sometimes I melt red hots in my apple cider... I haven't compiled my meal list yet... but I know I'm going to make pot stickers one night and pizza rolls (like Cinnamon rolls but dipped in tomato sauce), and I just got a new recipe for Christmas morning danish... mmm.  i LOVE holiday food. 

11. Rest.
i do plan fun things, but the holidays at my house are very casual.  Usually my house is full and messy.   I don't worry about it, because January is "Kick my houses BUTT" month.  Yes, I'm already planning the get ready to move and have a baby strategy.  But that is for January.  December will be singing Christmas Carols, watching Netflix and embracing the chaos.  Tis the season!!


Rachel Ure said...

love your ideas. might steal a few. thanks for chatting today. i think it was an "all about me" conversation, so thanks.

The Loden's said...

Hi there,
You don't know me but I am a blog stalker of yours:) I would love to see what you do for the 12 days of Christmas! I am amazed at the things you are able to do with 6 kids and how well you are teaching them to live the gospel. ( or at least it seems that way:) ) Would love to hear from you!

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