February 14, 2011

valentines and beiber.

my valentine surprised me with heart shaped zucchini pancakes for breakfast with raspberry syrup... mmm!

love these guys!

i LOVE justin beiber.
we saw the movie on Friday (in 3-D)- it was darling.
seriously, i cried... like 10 times.
not sobbing cry, just teary eyes.
i think he's a nice kid.
and, i'm proud of his mother.
and... i hope hollywood doesn't mess him up.
(and, i think usher is darling too.)
i think Justin's a bit young for all the love songs (i'm not sure he's ever had a girl friend)--
i think he needs a haircut--
and i don't love his silly purple hat--
but overall, i'd say i have a bit of Beiber Fever!!  ;)
he's a cute kid.
Happy LOVE day!

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