February 14, 2011

walking the mall...

Twilight Silver Silk Float DressTwilight Silver Silk DressTwilight Red Silk Float DressTwilight Red Silk A-line Dress

ok... this walking the mall thing might not be a great idea...
i LOVE Stasburg dresses at Dillards.
LOVE them.
(Because, they let little girls LOOK like little girls.)
and, i have 5 girls.
and... wouldn't they look darling in silver/red for our family pictures in the fall.
(are they too christmasy for easter dresses?)
CLEARANCED-- from $129 to $39.
but ah the agony 40x5= $200
not this month.
and honestly-- what is the point of having 5 girls if you can't dress them in coordinating Sunday dresses?
{{i think i will like having money some day.}}

Something I may do... (meaning, i want to run back to the store right now and buy it.)
This blessing dress-
Monaco Organza Christening Gown
Online it is regularly $271 on sale for $158... at my dillards they had a 3mo size on clearance for $56.
it's charming and elegant and i think i love it.
we'll see what the professor thinks.
oh.  blah to budgeting!

this is sweet too...  it's more casual, and i would need a bonnet to go with it, and booties...
strasburg white/pink daygown with flowers- $32 online, i didn't see it at Dillards.
White/Pink Daygown with Floral Embroidery
with this bonnet...
today and tomorrow cotton bonnet- $15
Today & Tomorrow Cotton Bonnet with Lace
and these darling booties- $15
Pampered Piggies Crocheted Booties
ok, enough window shopping.
i believe i'm going to take a nap, and then cook a lovely dinner, and count my blessings.
{{if little girls are this much fun to think about, can you imagine weddings?!!}}
ahh. strasburg.

1 comment:

beckyjune said...

Gorgeous dresses, Jen. Those red ones really are beautiful and yes, it is fun to dress up little girls. I am sure that boys are fun,too, but pretty dresses and curling hair is so much fun for me. They have some pretty blessing gowns at dressedinwhite.com, too.

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