i hope you enjoyed your Easter weekend!
it was beautiful here.
the boys went camping Friday and Saturday and the girls and i had a girly movie night and went to a big Easter egg hunt.
i still feel like i'm pretending i can handle my life.
right before we were supposed to leave for the egg hunt, ellie came in to my room to say that the neighbor just pulled lily out of a mud puddle. ??!!what?! they weren't even supposed to be outside.
i had to strip lily down, bathe her, and re-dress her.
we usually do Passover on Friday night, Easter bunny on Saturday, and a Jesus focused Easter Sunday (with our Jesus dinner- what Jesus would have eaten).
this year, everything was on Sunday, we didn't do Passover, and we are dying eggs tonight for family night.i still need to google "how to hard boil eggs" because I always forget.
the Easter bunny hid drew's basket in the oven.
and then forgot and preheated the oven for biscuits and gravy that morning.everything was melted, drew cried, and we discovered that toasted peeps are pretty good.
such is life.this weekend was a bit of a re-birth for me.
i went to church for the first time with baby eve, and we had our friends, the Merrill's over for our Jesus dinner.
our house goes back on the market tomorrow.
life continues on, even with change... and, i think i might be able to slip back into some routine.
Spring is coming, i can feel it in my veins.
And, I'm excited.
at church on Sunday we sang "Families Can Be Together Forever".
the second verse says,
"While I am in my early years, I will prepare most faithfully, so I can marry in God's temple, for eternity"
and then the chorus says,
"Families can be together forever, through Heavenly Father's plan. I always want to be with my own family, and the Lord has shown me how I can. The Lord, has shown me how I can."
i cried as i sang it, surrounded by my growing family.
i ALWAYS wanted to have a large family--
i wanted to sit on the second row at church with my kids, all in matching dresses.
since i was a little girl, I have dreamed of this time in my life...
and yesterday, I realized that I AM what I always wanted to be.
a mother of many.
it is HARD (harder than i ever imagined).
But, it is WONDERFUL (better than i ever imagined).
and, i want this-- for all eternity.
what a beautiful family, that is an awesome picture. how fun to see yourself finally in what you've always dreamed of with your family.
Love the family photo!!
Beautiful! Here's my question: How do you do it?! I feel that my arms are full trying to wrangle 4 kids during S. meeting.
How do i do it? Hah! The key to "doing it" is to just keep smiling. You look like a good mother if you are smiling. Church is crazy for us too... VERY crazy. But, I know this is a stage of life and so I can enjoy it even when it's crazy (most of the time). There are moments when my life is picture perfect, and many moments when it is crazy-- just ask my friend rachel who took our family pictures before church. crazy but perfect. and, i know that some day i'll be sitting at church watching another young mother wrangling her kids and i'll miss these days. we all will.
ps. todd says that i should add a caption to our family photo saying that we're going to use it as our weight watchers 'before' photo.
yes, we are a little chubby these days. :)
I'm always amazed at your great family pictures with so many kids! I am pretending I can handle my life, too. Today was a rough day, and it was just me and the baby...I took the toddler to daycare. I think sleep would help. Lots and lots more sleep.
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