We have been reading the Little House series this year and were so excited to dress-up like the family.
My girls wanted to sew costumes just to play in (they picked out their pattern months ago). I was grateful for a deadline to actually take the time to sew with them.
I started sewing the costumes Monday, October 29. The kids cooked simple dinners and helped fold the laundry and after two gentle days of sewing-- the Little House on the Prairie Family was born.
My kids want to have a monthly Sunday where we dress-up and call each other by our pretend names.
They are adorable.
I borrowed some costumes and only ended up sewing the girls' dresses.
I love living in a small town. We know so many people that we see on our way and nothing is overdone.
I love the simple decoration, classic games, and mild amount of sweets.
We had a perfect night and had to stop and take a picture on the way home of our perfect Halloween moon.
Hope you had a great day as well!
Happy Halloween 2012!