yes. i can ride the bull. take the cow by the horns. i last 8 seconds with the worst of em.
in my 20's i learned to smile so i don't scream, to breathe so i don't boil over. i was granted patience, understanding and perspective.
most days i can calm the storm... find the socks, snap the pants, fix the hair, call a time-out... mine is a life of clothing the naked, healing the sick, cleansing the dirty, forgiving the unrepentant, finding the lost, gathering the scattered, ordering the
unruly and making peace of chaos.
i'm a bit addicted to the
adrenaline rush that i get accomplishing a task that some say can't be done... like going grocery shopping with 6 kids. when things get crazy- i cowboy up. the key to bull riding... hold on tight, keep your head up and your heals dug in, and above all-- enjoy the ride. you can do anything for 8 seconds... (and even bulls sleep.)
i'm good at riding bull, but
i'm a
sucky cowboy... the long cow rides (yes. i know all about them from City Slickers.)
surviving chaos is not the same as
avoiding chaos. my mother-in-law, she's the best cowboy i know... she doesn't get saddle sore from days and nights in the seat... she's got a gentle, easy lope. my mare is ALWAYS bucking. i can last for 8 seconds... she's learned the art of riding into the sunset. my home is lovely- every third day. my laundry is washed, dried, folded and put away- maybe once a month (washed, dried, folded and put into baskets- once a week) i have magical moments. i want peaceful years.
i'm tired of riding the roller coaster of life- i want to ride the train. (well, i would be happy with the log ride.) i can cook a mean dinner in under 30 minutes.
i'm sick of quickies... i want dessert.
i'm dedicating this decade to the pursuit of the trail ride.
it's funny.
i've been thinking of this analogy for a long time, but it wasn't until i wrote it out that i realized how much fun
i'm having riding bull, and how boring a life of trail rides sounds.
i'm not sure that
i'll ever be
vanna white. maybe i should just enjoy being ZORRO.
maybe the only difference between a young bull rider and a seasoned trail rider is age. maybe
i'll get there someday. maybe when i find myself riding trails,
i'll be telling stories of my rodeo years with pride.
till then, i guess
i'll keep holding on tight, digging in my heals, and enjoying the ride.
Yeee Haw!