Leah is the cutest, smartest little thing.
Since she first started to talk, she has used full
sentences. Never "Mama, Dada", more like, "
Bla be
dup bew mom
da res the dad..." We know that she knows what she's trying to say. Now that she's a little older it's so fun hearing her cute language.
"Mom! Yily's spilled!" She says this when Lily has drool or spit-up.
"I don't want to take a bed." Leah loves to take a bath, but doesn't love taking a bed.
"Mom... It's too cold, I can't hear. Too cold Mom." Again this is a bath reference applied to watching cartoons... she meant, the
TV's volume was too LOW.
"I want to go home." This took us a long time to figure out, because she said she wanted to go "HOME" when she was home and she wanted to go out. We thought she just had things backwards. I laughed when I heard myself explain, "It's time for your friends to go home." Yup. She's a smart cookie, she "wants to go home" with them. :)
"Him's not scared, Mom, Him's nice." Leah has a love/hate relationship with
scary things or mean kids. This would be her description of a kid we have playing at our house that she is just not sure about.
"See, it's all better, Mom, it's all better." She doesn't like attention for injuries, especially if she may need a hang nail cut or something. So, she'll usually come show me something that hurts and then when I go to help her, she'll start walking away and tell me she's all better now.
"Hug and a piss, Mom, hug and a piss... Can't reach?... Light off." Leah has a cute bedtime ritual. She needs to sleep with a
sippy-cup of water, a book and a stuffed animal. After we properly arrange all she needs around her, she'll ask me to put the side of her crib up, and then she wants a hug and a piss. I kiss her hand and tell her I can't reach her to give her a hug. Then she wants the light off. Since this is nap time, the light is already off, but I turn it on and off again and she smiles and says "Goodnight Mom, love you." It's cute. I didn't realize how ritualistic she was until one afternoon when I gave her a hug and a kiss BEFORE I pulled up the crib bed. She said, "No Mom, crib up." Then she said, "Hug and a piss?" When I looked at her funny, she started to laugh and said, "Can't reach Mom?"
That's a triangle." Yup. She never ceases to amaze us. She knows all her letters, most of her numbers and just yesterday she surprised me with her shapes.
Ummm. Sesame Street?
"That's mmmmm, Mom?... No, that's ewe." She's funny with food. Either it's
MMMM or it's ewe.
"NO! with a scowl or OK! with a smile." Yup, she's a hot/cold type kid... she goes very quickly from
adamant no to sweet OK!
"Thank You!!" So if she does do something wrong, like color in a book, and I explain to her why it was wrong and say, "What do you say to Mom?" She always smiles real big and shouts, "Thank you!!" The correct answer would have been, I'm sorry, but she's so cute that we just laugh, hug her and let her go on.
"I go bench." Another funny thing she does, is send herself to timeout. When she acts cranky, she'll say, "OK. I go to bench." Or, I tell her she needs to stop or she'll have to sit on the bench. She'll give a resigned, "OK," and she just walks there by herself, climbs on and counts to 20. (Yes, she misses numbers, it's SO cute.)
"One-teen..." Yes, I do think she's brilliant, but don't you agree that she's a little young to pick-up on number patterns? When she counts she'll say things like one-teen, two-teen or eleven-teen... so smart!
"You're crazy, Mom, You're crazy." OK, this one is a bit sassy. A couple of times she's gotten upset with me and this is what she shouts. Once, she was not wanting to get her
jammies on and she was a bit upset. I heard myself say, "Leah, cut it out. You're being crazy."
Ohhh. That's where it came from.
"No. I'm hungry." We were driving in the car and Leah was being silly in her
car seat. She was scowling and acting upset, with fake cries. "Are you being crazy?" I asked her. She was quick to retort, "No... I'm HUNGRY!" I think this comes from having a perfectly, sweet 6 month old sister. Whenever Lily cries, Leah yells, "Mom!
Yily's crying." And I explain, "It's OK, she's just hungry." OR, it could have been her attempt at saying "ANGRY"... I think explanation number one, but either way it was cute. :)
Life with Leah is a joy.
Those are sooo cute. I can just imagine her little voice saying them. What would we do without sweet, little ones to fill us up?
I'm not sure which I love more--all her cute little sayings, or the fact that you're on-the-ball enough to remember and preserve them! What a delight! (Both the child AND the post!)
I love toddler-talk. They say the smartest and funniest things. She must make you laugh all the time.
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