I'm on my way to the doctors... I have no idea what he'll say.
Last week he said he wouldn't let me go past today.
I have a couple last minute ideas that i may try to induce labor on my own-- acupuncture, black kohash, running a mile. :)
My kids are GREAT fools-- i already had a nasty experience brushing my teeth (I'm sure that my toothbrush was dipped in some nasty stuff).
They are telling everyone that I already had my baby... so beware.
Hope you have a great day!! And, that I have a great day too... ;)
so, i saw my doctor today.
i told him to be rough when he checked me. :)
I was dilated 4 cm and he stripped my membranes.
(Just FYI-- with my first baby, it took me 12 hours on pitocin to get to a 4...)
Have I told you that I LOVE my doctor?!!
love. him.
he said everything looks good. i'm healthy, the baby's heartbeat is strong and she is NOT a big baby.
he's not worried.
he would have had no problem sending me straight to labor and delivery.
he would have no problem if I wanted to show up in labor and delivery tonight.
he THINKS i will go into labor on my own tonight or this weekend.
He asked me what I wanted to do.
i told him-- it's my SEVENTH baby... i really, really, want to know what it is like to go into labor on my own.
i don't want to be dumb.
(my bags were packed in the car-- we had decided that if he thought I needed to be induced we would do it.)
but, he said that i was NORMAL (yeah, we laughed too) and that he didn't think there was ANY reason why I needed to be induced.
he said I am progressing and that I definitely will go into labor sometime soon.
i told him my husband (who was with me) might not be so excited about waiting another two days.
he said with a chuckle, "You already gave your husband six beautiful babies, and he's grateful. On your seventh baby, you can decide!"
todd is FINE with waiting... but, i know he would be very fine if I decided to head to the hospital right now.
we decided to wait this weekend and go in at 7am on Monday morning if I haven't started on my own before then.
the doctor is pretty certain that he could just break my water and I'd begin contracting on my own...
or, that I would progress fast with just a little bit of pitocin.
so, even if I am induced, I can still do things pretty naturally.
Anyway... not that you needed to read my whole OB life history--
but- I am still pregnant.
sometimes contracting, but not contracting regularly.
Over 4 cm dilated.
and READY to have this baby.
I really... really... really... want to go into labor today.
or tonight.
or tomorrow.
or Sunday.
but, if not...
then, we will have a baby on Monday morning.
and, i am SO EXCITED to meet this little baby.
Can you believe I'm going to have a BABY??!!!
We are thinking about you today!
So excited for you guys! Can't believe it's finally here - hoping you won't have to wait until Monday! :)
Oh Jen! I'm so excited for you! And I LOVE hearing about your OB appointments. It renews my hope that there are still wonderful OBs in the world, who do right by the mother and the baby. Makes me happy. :)
Can't wait to meet your new little one! And I'm betting your labor's going to go FAST since your body's already almost halfway there. The last half always goes way quicker than the first half. :)
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