So, I was nursing Lily at Ellie's soccer practice tonight (Drew was laying on a quilt next to me- he's sick, and Leah was running circles around my chair.) And, the thought came to me-- what am I feeding my baby? Yeah-- cookies. That was all I ate today. I did sneak a few chicken nuggets off Leah's highchair when I was cleaning her up, but mainly, my milk consisted of cookies.
Yeah-- I'm sure that our bodies have a way of magically transforming cookies into healthy stuff, but I do need to be careful. It's just that I HATE FOOD... I hate remembering to eat... I guess if I'm eating with a purpose that's incentive. And, NO MORE CREATING COOKIES... maybe then I'll grab a piece of fruit. Am I alone out there?? Anyone else hate eating?? I know... I know... crazy eh?
My problem isn't that I hate eating, it's that I love eating! Cookies are definitely my down fall at the moment. This morning I got up to run 4 miles at 5:45 a.m. and as I go past a plates of cookies, what do I do, I just plop it in my mouth! I should have ran 8 miles instead!
I love eating, I'm just lazy is all. I hate rummaging through the kitchen finding something delicious, healthy, easy to make and easy to clean up. If I had a personal chef and lots of money for delicious healthy meals, it would be my favorite part of the day!
Maybe this gets back to my earlier comment about trying to copy hospital food? :-)
Or, maybe you are a very busy, very committed, very selfless mother who spends her entire day trying to make things fun and exciting and smooth for her children and husband and as a result forgets to take time to look after herself??? I don't know much about the thalasemia (sp?), but I imagine, Jen, after the drain on your body due you've just been through you should make a very specific point to eat well--lots of iron, protein, etc. OK? End of mini lecture. Love you! And your cookies look yummy!
MAYBE... this is why Lily is so sweet?...
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