Really, it helps.
And, Ann-- you've given me some HOPE that I really can go into labor even though i'm not feeling contractions... THANK YOU ALL!!

Yesterday i decided that i'm going to just PLAN on having my baby April 1st.
If she decides to come before that, it will be a nice surprise.
Part of my anxiety had come from the fact that we had last minute visitors last week-- they came to help with my birth and left yesterday morning with no baby.
isnt' that sad?!
My sister and nephew got here last night!
She leaves the 29th.
I keep telling her, she is here for a nice visit, but may not meet this new baby.
Since she'll probably be born on April 1st.
Here are my Top 10 Reasons that April 1st is a great day to birth a baby.
1. It's my birthday.
2. It's my oldest daughter, Anna's birthday.
3. It's my sister in law's birthday.
4. It's a fun day for a birthday.
5. Most of my other kids are born on the 1st of the month.
6. Being more than 2 weeks overdue, my baby will certainly be ready.
7. Um, I won't be disappointed every day till then thinking "this would be a great day for a baby."
8. She'd be an Aries.
9. It would be a funny story.
10. Um, because really unless I'm induced I have no control over when this baby comes.
So, here's to April 1st.
and two more weeks. :)
Well, here's one bit of happy news: april 1 is only ONE week away, not two (ok, one week and two days), so yay for that!
That's so great, Jen! Changing your mindset will be a huge help in getting through the next few days. I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers for a SURPRISE! But if April 1 is this baby's destined birthday, then it sounds like there are many beautiful things about being born on that day. :)
don't even know what to say. good job having a good attitude. i had all my kids early so i can't imagine the friekin' anticipation!!!! i am super excited to see what happens this next week!
I shouldn't even put this on here...but when I was pregnant with Felicity, I was tired of being pregnant, and had been having seriously painful contractions for over a week. I was sure that I was so close. I went to the doctor, sure that i would be dilated to at least a 3. Well I wasn't even a 1...I was so upset that I completely gave up on having a baby anytime soon, I even told my mom that. That night at midnight I had my first contraction and Felicity was born at 4:33 am.
So, be comforted that she could still come anytime, but at the same time, maybe your due date was off and they really isn't due for a little more...or maybe she just needs more time to grow...and maybe even more, she wants to share a birthday with her mom and big sister and have the greatest birthday ever! (I would love to have had a April 1 birthday)
Good luck. My prayers are with you. I can't wait to see pictures!
My friend was in the same situation as you trying to have VBAC. She never went into labor, but he only made her go five days and then broke her water to get labor going. Of course they maybe only let her go 5 days because they worried about her baby being too big, and he was a big boy. No pitocin just broke her water and she started contracting and everything. Just a question to maybe ask the doctor so you maybe don't have to wait a week and 2 days. You are a good woman Jen. Good Luck, I am thinking about you!
April 1st is my birthday, too!! I have ALWAYS loved having my birthday on that day. It fit my personality. :) Best wishes for a great delivery - what ever day she comes!
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