hmmm. i woke up around 2:30 am with contractions.
they don't hurt, but are about 5 minutes apart.
i'm thinking this could be labor...
or just the side effects of drinking CASTOR OIL last night... twice.
(my sister bought it for me and fixed me a nice root beer/castor oil shot)
we'll see.
i keep trying to go back to sleep, but i can't help glancing at the clock every time i feel my tummy tightening.
seriously, if castor oil really puts me into labor i'm going to laugh.
the pharmacist at walgreens said, "Yeah, we have some. But, it doesn't really work... that's just an old wives tale."
i told him, "if you were a week overdue with your seventh child you might try an old wives tale yourself."
for now, it's fun just feeling SOMETHING different.
i'm not convinced it's truly labor until they are stronger... but, i am pleasantly surprised to feel them NOT going away- and regular.
maybe castor oil is my new BFF?!!
ps. you know as soon as i write this post my contractions are going to stop and i'll spend the rest of the morning on the toilet regretting the castor oil decision.
so, i'm really trying NOT to get my hopes up.
for sure i am NOT in labor yet.
just smiling and wondering... and thinking those old wives MIGHT have known a thing or two.
UPDATE-- i went back to bed after writing this post. i knew that real labor would not go away if i tried to sleep. and... my contractions stopped. So, no baby yet. But... I'm beginning to believe it is possible.
Maybe i'll have castor oil again for lunch. :)
i should also note that i didn't take a lot of castor oil-- and, in a small, warm glass of rootbeer i couldn't taste anything. (it was like drinking soda with a teaspoon of vegetable oil in it.) I haven't felt sick to my stomach or rushed to the toilet at all... maybe i didn't take enough to make me sick. BUT, i did have a good 3 hours of contractions. i KNEW as soon as i wrote it down they would go away. blah. [april fools!]
I hope it's the real thing this time!
There's a wives tale that says rubbing your big toe helps too. Like accupressure or something.
Also raspberry tea...but, you know...
Good Luck!
Oh I've heard some bad stories about castor oil...be careful because it would be terrible to be sick while giving birth. Although I was almost two weeks overdue so I know it's tough!
And the baby counter goes backwards?!?! Oh my...thats April fools!
Yep, real contractions can stop. Mine did...for about 5 hours. Then started again and yep, it was real labor. J came about 9 hours after that. :)
I took castor oil. Had contractions and everything stopped and then mine started again and Rylee was born about 12 hours later. Hey her birthday is Tuesday so you never know!!!
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